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Intro to Task Boards

In this course, we will cover everything you need to know about how to create, assign, and manage tasks across the StudioBinder.

Lesson 1 — How to Use Tasks

Tasks can be assigned from any StudioBinder module, including the screenplay, script breakdown, storyboard, production calendar, and call sheet features. When creating a task, you have full control over the scope and details included.

In this video, you will learn how to assign a team member, set start and end dates, create a task checklist, attach files, or add comments.

Lesson 2 — Start Times, Multiple Checklists, and Attachments

In this lesson, we go over the advanced features like start times, multiple checklists, and attachements that will take your task board to the next level.

Lesson 3 — Cards and Checklists

In this video, we show you how to customize cards and checklists in StudioBinder.

StudioBinder's task board gives you the ability to customize each project as you see fit. Make your's unique by customizing your task board to match your workflow.

Lesson 4 — How to Create a Task Board

In this lesson, we show you how to create a task board in StudioBinder.

A task board is a productivity management tool that organizes multiple workflows in one place. They also represent a workflow philosophy of forward progression, which provides a sense of achievement as people see their projects progress towards completion.

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