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Anime Storyboard Template

Prep your anime project

Creating an anime takes a lot of diligent work to bring imaginative worlds and characters to life. Storyboarding will allow you to iron out ideas before investing time and resources into more detailed and time-consuming steps, such as character design and animation.

We will use StudioBinder’s storyboard creator for the step-by-step walkthrough to visualize each phase. While StudioBinder is our chosen tool, this process applies universally—whether you're working with software to create your storyboard or simply using a pen and paper.

  • Decide your presentation format
  • Read the scene
  • Create or find images
  • Include descriptions and annotations
  • Share and collaborate
  • Print

Step 1

1. Decide the presentation format

Your storyboard’s presentation format should reflect the style, pace, and complexity of your anime. You can opt for simple layouts featuring multiple smaller panels per page for quick sketches, or choose fewer, larger panels per page that allow for detailed frames ideal for in-depth presentations. Also choose the aspect ratio for your anime and use that aspect ratio in your storyboards.

Wedding Mood Board Template Create a Mood Board
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How to do this in StudioBinder
  1. Switch between view types (from 1 - 4 columns).
  2. Hide or reveal shot specs (scene number, description, audio, video).
  3. Automatically fit your image to the aspect ratio.

Step 2

2. Read the scene

Anime is rooted in its compelling, innovative storytelling. Begin your storyboarding process with the source material — the script. The script is where you will analyze how the mood and emotion drive the narrative and how you will interpret this visually. Visualize the types of shots—like dynamic camera angles or emotional close-ups—that will best convey the script’s tone.

Wedding Mood Board Template Gather and Add Images
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How to do this in StudioBinder
  1. Import a script or treatment to automatically turn scenes into blank storyboards.
  2. Tag each line to create a new panel in the storyboard.

Step 3

3. Create or find images

Once your anime scenes are conceptualized, it's time to start visualizing them. This can be done through hand sketches, hiring a storyboard artist, still photography or sourcing reference images online. These images will lay the foundation for more detailed animation processes like creating animatics and character design*. 

Wedding Mood Board Template Edit images
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How to do this in StudioBinder
  1. Upload images anywhere, including previous projects.
  2. Use your webcam to capture hand-drawn frames.
  3. Reorder images by simply clicking and dragging frames.

Step 4

4. Include descriptions and annotations

It can be helpful to add details through annotations on your storyboard. Shot descriptions, story notes, and visual annotations like arrows to indicate movement will all breathe cinematic life into your anime storyboard.

Wedding Mood Board Template Arrange Images
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How to do this in StudioBinder
  1. Add scene descriptions, audio information like dialogue, and video information explaining the visuals like shot types and sizes.
  2. Create arrows, text and shapes to further clarify the direction of each image.

Step 5

5. Share and collaborate

Anime production is very much a collaborative effort pulling from the work of many artists. Once your storyboard is complete, share it with your collaborators. Sharing your storyboard with team members, such as animators and directors, is an important step in refining your ideas.

Wedding Mood Board Template Share and collaborate
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How to do this in StudioBinder
  1. Share with a view-only link, and invite collaborators to work on this specific feature/page (not the entire project).
  2. Collaborate with clients and team members with the comment feature.

Step 6

6. Print

During the production process, having a physical storyboard on hand can be helpful. Printing your storyboard allows for easy reference and sharing during production meetings or with team members who prefer a physical copy.

Wedding Mood Board Template Share and collaborate
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How to do this in StudioBinder
  1. Generate storyboard PDFs for a professional presentation with added security.


Anime storyboard complete

Renowned anime filmmakers like Katsuhiro Otomo and Hayao Miyazaki have created immersive worlds and iconic characters through meticulous and creative preparation. Use storyboards to refine your ideas and bring your anime vision to life.

This anime storyboard template is one of many storyboard templates you can use. Browse other storyboard templates on our Templates page.

Start your Storyboard

Lay the foundation for your anime with storyboards.

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Wedding Mood Board Example StudioBinder Moodboarding Software
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