How to Write a Movie Script: Screenplay Format and Examples

Understanding how to write a movie script, also known as a screenplay, can seem daunting at first, but once you understand script format and structure, you can focus on your creativity. We’ll take you through the process of writing a screenplay so that you can begin building that great movie idea into a professional script. If you’re wondering how to write a script, this guide will give you the steps.

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How to Write and Direct Sex Scenes

Eating, drinking, sleeping, and sex are elements of human behavior we all share. The difference with sex is that it has been deemed taboo for centuries. That moral standard has been loosening for decades now, and sex has become a more significant part of mainstream entertainment.


But just because we CAN show sex in movies doesn’t mean we SHOULD. And if we do, it needs to be handled tastefully. When is it appropriate to include a sex scene in your movie? How can you make sure the scene adds value to the story without becoming gratuitous? If you’re wondering how to write a tasteful love scene, look no further.… Keep reading

How to Write a Film Treatment like a Pro

If you’re writing a movie or show, chances are you’ve also thought about the difficult road ahead that is selling or funding your idea. If you want to get producers excited, you’ll need a killer treatment.


In this post, we’ll explain treatments and how you can use one to sell your own concept. Producers love a person who has a clear idea for a film or television show, and nothing will help you more than that clarity.

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How to Write a Script Outline for Film and TV (Free Template and Examples)



he actual writing of your script is the fun part. But, just like any form of writing, you have to know where you’re going first. Organization is important. That’s where a script outline comes into play. Understanding your central character’s desire, and capturing the scenarios they attract for themselves, should guide that process.


There is no straightforward way to know how to outline a screenplay. But these tried-and-true guidelines will help you crack the structure for your character’s journey.

Continue reading How to Write a Script Outline for Film and TV (Free Template and Examples)

AV Script Writing Software

AV Script Writing SoftwareStress-Free AVAV script writing software for all creatives, built into the world’s leading TV & film production management solution. Get Started for Free â–¶    Watch Tour @media (min-width: 300px){.thrv_symbol_145422 [data-css="tve-u-190f645451b"]{background-image: linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,0) 90%,rgb(246,245,250) 100%),linear-gradient(rgb(246,245,250) 0%,rgba(255,255,255,0) 7%) !important;background-color: rgb(255,255,255) !important;--tve-applied-background-image: linear-gradient(180deg,rgba(255,255,255,0) 90%,rgb(246,245,250) 100%),linear-gradient(rgb(246,245,250) 0%,rgba(255,255,255,0) 7%) !important;background-size: auto,auto !important;background-position: 50% 50%,50% 50% !important;background-attachment: scroll,scroll !important;background-repeat: no-repeat,no-repeat !important;}.thrv_symbol_145422 [data-css="tve-u-190f6454527"]{border-radius: 16px;overflow: hidden;border: 1px solid rgb(228,230,242) !important;--tve-applied-border: 1px solid rgb(228,230,242) !important;}.thrv_symbol_145422 [data-css="tve-u-190f645452e"]{overflow: hidden;border: none !important;--tve-applied-border: none !important;border-radius: 0px !important;padding: 0px !important;}.thrv_symbol_145422 [data-css="tve-u-190f6454522"]{--tve-alignment: center;margin-bottom: 0px !important;}.thrv_symbol_145422 [data-css="tve-u-190f6454551"]{color: rgb(29,29,31) !important;}.thrv_symbol_145422 [data-css="tve-u-190f645453e"]{color: rgb(29,29,31) !important;}.thrv_symbol_145422 [data-css="tve-u-190f6454533"]{color: rgb(29,29,31) !important;}.thrv_symbol_145422 [data-css="tve-u-190f6454529"] .tcb-flex-col .tcb-col{justify-content: center;}.thrv_symbol_145422 [data-css="tve-u-190f6454529"]{margin-left: -20px;padding-top: 0px !important;padding-bottom: 0px !important;}.thrv_symbol_145422… Keep reading

Ultimate AV Script Template to Write Better Ads

Writing an Audio/Visual (AV) script template can be a nerve-racking undertaking. Your message may be simple, but getting it down to one-minute timing can be an intimidating thing. But as with any creative endeavor, you just need to lock down your structure. This is what a trusty AV script template (or audio visual script template) does: it arranges the sights and sounds of your idea into a linear flow. We’ll go end-to-end on how to write an AV script. And you’ll find a free AV script template below to capture your idea right away.

Continue reading Ultimate AV Script Template to Write Better Ads

19 Best Screenwriting Apps

While you may not choose to write an entire script on an app, there are some script writing apps that are more reliable and user friendly than others. They’re also great for the person who doesn’t have a ton of time to write throughout the day. Perfect for those magical, albeit inconvenient moments when inspiration hits. Don’t miss a good idea when you can simply give them a (sometimes free) place to live. Here’s a list of the best screenwriting apps out today, some quick specs, device compatibility and more. see which one is best for you.

Continue reading 19 Best Screenwriting Apps

What is an Inference — Definition & Examples

Imagine you arrive at an old abandoned warehouse to find everything covered in dust. But as you explore, you find a sparklingly clean thermos. You might guess that the thermos hasn’t been there for long, and that somebody might be exploring nearby. This is a valid inference. Or perhaps… the thermos has been trapped in time. This inference has no evidence to support its plausibility. Either way, they’re both inferences! But what does inference mean? We’re going to answer that question by exploring the history of the term alongside some examples. Lock in your final guesses now – let’s answer the question: what is an inference?… Keep reading

When is Pilot Season? And How Has Digital Streaming Affected It?

Pilot season is a term people in the industry use often. It’s not a season only for writers, but is a great time for actors to get cast in an upcoming series. But when is pilot season? When should you be prepared? With new digital streaming services, is the season a’changin? Let’s find out. Continue reading When is Pilot Season? And How Has Digital Streaming Affected It?