What is Black Comedy — Definition and Examples for Filmmakers

What is black comedy? Have you ever watched a movie or TV show and wondered how the characters could joke about violence, disease, or war? That’s what we refer to as black comedy.


It goes by many names. Dark humor. Gallows humor. Dark comedy. It all means the same thing. And in this blog, you’ll learn the history of black humor and see some examples, so you can see if you want to incorporate these kinds of jokes into your next project. Let’s dive in.

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What is Comedy — Defining it Through Technique

Being a comedy writer isn’t easy. Even if you’re a director, knowing what’s funny and what’s not, isn’t always easy. Comedy is mostly subjective, but if you’re trying to write, direct, or even act in a comedy, there are some techniques that might help. So what is comedy? We’ll give our comedy definition, examples of types of comedy, and outline some comedic considerations.

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