73 Best Crime Movies of All Time, Ranked for Filmmakers

You’re looking for a list of the best crime movies of all time. Maybe you want to find action crime films, or crime thrillers, or perhaps even a crime comedy movie or a crime drama. We’ve got you covered.


In this post, we’ve compiled a list of the best crime movies of all-time, including American crime movies and the top crime films from around the world. All of these movies are worth a watch, so pop some corn, call your lawyer, pour a glass of your favorite pruno, and start the show.

Continue reading 73 Best Crime Movies of All Time, Ranked for Filmmakers

How to Use Color in Film: 50+ Examples of Movie Color Palettes

A filmmaker is a visual artist. To be a great visual artist you need mastery of the color palette. Many of the greatest Directors, Cinematographers, and Production Designers have extensive backgrounds as visual artists themselves. There are many ways to use color in film. We’re going to break down the key approaches as well as offer you a free E-book. The ebook is an excellent tool for better understanding the use of the color in film, and how to master it.

Continue reading How to Use Color in Film: 50+ Examples of Movie Color Palettes

What is White Balance — How it Works and Why It Matters

What is white balance? White balance is a vital camera setting to properly calibrate in order to achieve your desired image. If you have ever taken a photograph or video and found the result to look unnatural blue or yellow, then improper white balance is to blame. We’ll break down what white balance is, how to calibrate it, and what to do if you have already shot your footage without white balancing beforehand.

Continue reading What is White Balance — How it Works and Why It Matters

What is an Analogous Color Scheme — Definition and Examples

Color BasicsOpen menu What is Color Temperature Color Grading vs. Color Correction What is LUT What is Technicolor First Color Movie Film Colorization Process Color SchemesOpen menu What is a Color Palette What is a Color Scheme Triadic Color Scheme Monochromatic Color Scheme Analogous Color Scheme Complementary Color Scheme FREE Ebook: How to Use Color in Film

What is an analogous color scheme? How can it be utilized in your filmmaking efforts, why does it matter and how is it different from other color palettes? We will be answering each of these questions, examining how analogous colors function in traditional art, taking a look at the psychology of color in storytelling, and showcasing some of the best analogous color schemes found in movies.… Keep reading

Best Steven Soderbergh Movies, Ranked for Filmmakers

Throughout film school, one is inundated with a list of “the masters.” Your Kubricks, your Scorseses, and your Tarantinos. And while they all have their rightful place in the pantheon of auteurs, I’ve always wondered why one name has yet to reach the list. Sex, lies, and videotape debuted 30 years ago, and ever since Steven Soderbergh has directed upwards of 40 projects. 40! Steven Soderbergh movies run the gamut of tone, genre, and big-name talent. In this list, we’ll detail the Top 10 Steven Soderbergh movies from worst to best (the word worst being used loosely). By the end, we’ll have examined Soderbergh’s best movies and how they can help us become better storytellers.… Keep reading