You’re looking for a movie genre list, maybe for inspiration, but every list you find has too broad or hyper-specific categories that it becomes overwhelming. We’ve created the perfect movie and TV genre list that will explain the various categories of film and television with their specific subgenres, and we’ll also include helpful examples for each along the way.
Continue reading Ultimate Guide to Movie Genres — 90+ Genre Examples for Film & TV
From movies to novels to video games, dystopian fiction is consistently one of the hottest genres in entertainment. But given its broad scope and variety of forms, the dystopian genre can sometimes be hard to categorize. What is dystopian fiction? What are its defining features and how can we account for its enduring popularity? This article will define dystopian fiction, explain its purpose and function, and provide important examples of it from across the storytelling spectrum.
Continue reading What is Dystopian Fiction? Definition and Characteristics
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What is a paradox? Definitions can often feel, well, paradoxical. Even though paradoxes have been part of human thinking for thousands of years, they are not always well understood. This seems particularly true of paradoxes in movies, which often leave viewers scratching their heads. Whether you want to get a grip on exactly what a paradox is, or write the next great brain-teasing movie paradox, this article will get you started.… Keep reading
Nothing gets the blood pumping like a good, old-fashioned action flick. From incredible set pieces to beautifully-choreographed action to, of course, amazing one-liners, action is a popular film genre for a reason. And now, it’s time to rank the best action movies of all time.
Popular action movies take all shapes and forms. This list has everything from superhero movies to Hong Kong action thrillers and even a couple of Star Wars flicks thrown in for good measure. Any filmmakers who want to direct their own action film should watch these movies because each one offers something great to the genre. … Keep reading
The 1980s have a special place in the pop culture canon. It turns out a lot of great movies came out in this decade, which means limiting them to a list is not as easy as it sounds. While plenty of beloved films won’t be seen here, we did our very best to make sure we included iconic and important films of the decade, from surefire classics to cult favorites. In that conversation, the inevitable question always comes up: what are the best ‘80s movies of all time? Let’s not waste any more time and get right down to ranking.
Continue reading Best ‘80s Movies of all Time — A Filmmaker Playlist
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am, you are, she is, they will be — these are all things we say on a near-daily basis, and they’re all examples of different points of view. But what is point of view within storytelling and how can writers use it strategically? We’re going to explain everything you need to know about point of view in literature, with cinema and video game examples as well. But first let’s review the basics.… Keep reading
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Amazon Prime Video is chock-full of great movies but it’s a nightmare trying to find them. Unlike Netflix which offers strong curated playlists, Prime Video does a poor job of highlighting all the amazing movies on its service. Don’t fret though, we’ve scoured the depths of Prime’s film catalog to deliver our list of the best movies on Amazon Prime right now.
We’ll be updating this list every month as movies come and go on Prime, so be sure to check back for new additions! And, without further ado, in no particular order, the best movies on Amazon Prime!
Continue reading The Best Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now (July 2020)