What are the 12 Principles of Animation — Ultimate Guide

Animation takes patience, attention to detail, boundless creativity, and more patience. The beauty of the artform is that, if you are willing to put the work in, there is no image you can’t create, no world you can’t immerse your viewer into. And yet, despite its endless possibilities, most narrative animators follow a certain set of rules. These rules are known as the 12 principles of animation.

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What is Anthropomorphism — Definition, Examples & Uses

When looking at some of cinema and literature’s most iconic characters, it’s easy to find ones that are non-human. Animals, androids, and other non-human characters, however, have somehow won our hearts over in countless tales. This is largely due to the fact that these non-human characters are given human traits, otherwise known as anthropomorphism. What is anthropomorphism used for? Let’s define anthropomorphism and its function in the world of storytelling. 

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What is Animation — Definition, History and Types of Animation

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What is an Oxymoron: Definition & Examples Writers Should Use

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If you gathered a small crowd together, then it might be old news to some people to answer, “What is an oxymoron?” The concept is an open secret in the world of literature and film. Of course, you might hear that question with your only response being deafening silence. But once you understand oxymorons inside and out, you can incorporate them into your writing to create humorous, more sophisticated dialogue.


Who knows?… Keep reading

How to Write a Scene — Elements of a Great Scene Explained

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Ultimate Guide to Film Terms: The Definitive Glossary of Film Terminology

@media (min-width: 300px){.thrv_symbol_91218 [data-css="tve-u-171dbaca69d"]{margin-top: 0px !important;padding-top: 0px !important;}:not(#tve) .thrv_symbol_91218 [data-css="tve-u-171dbaca69f"]{letter-spacing: 1px;font-size: 14px !important;text-transform: uppercase !important;}.thrv_symbol_91218 [data-css="tve-u-171dbaca69e"]{font-size: 14px !important;}} Browse Film Terms  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

Whether you’re working on your first or 100th film, there is always something new to learn. When you need to update your film terminology, this resource will be your best friend.… Keep reading

Best Disney Plus Movies You Can Watch Right Now (Oct 2020)

Ever since Disney Plus launched, fans of all ages have been able to relive classic films from their childhoods. But since it’s Disney, people can now watch Star Wars and Marvel movies with the click of a button. Disney Plus has films from decades ago, so it may feel a bit overwhelming to decide what you should watch next to become an even more informed Disney fan. But for our money, these are the best Disney Plus movies you can watch tonight.

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Best Disney Plus Movies You Can Watch Right Now (Dec. 2020)

Ever since Disney Plus launched, fans of all ages have been able to relive classic films from their childhoods. But since it’s Disney, people can now watch Star Wars and Marvel movies with the click of a button. Disney Plus has films from decades ago, so it may feel a bit overwhelming to decide what you should watch next to become an even more informed Disney fan. But for our money, these are the best Disney Plus movies you can watch tonight.

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Best Disney Plus Movies You Can Watch Right Now (Sept 2020)

Ever since Disney Plus launched, fans of all ages have been able to relive classic films from their childhoods. But since it’s Disney, people can now watch Star Wars and Marvel movies with the click of a button. Disney Plus has films from decades ago, so it may feel a bit overwhelming to decide what you should watch next to become an even more informed Disney fan. But for our money, these are the best Disney Plus movies you can watch tonight.

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Best Disney Plus Movies You Can Watch Right Now (Nov. 2020)

Ever since Disney Plus launched, fans of all ages have been able to relive classic films from their childhoods. But since it’s Disney, people can now watch Star Wars and Marvel movies with the click of a button. Disney Plus has films from decades ago, so it may feel a bit overwhelming to decide what you should watch next to become an even more informed Disney fan. But for our money, these are the best Disney Plus movies you can watch tonight.

Continue reading Best Disney Plus Movies You Can Watch Right Now (Nov. 2020)