Ultimate Guide to Movie Genres — 90+ Genre Examples for Film & TV

You’re looking for a movie genre list, maybe for inspiration, but every list you find has too broad or hyper-specific categories that it becomes overwhelming. We’ve created the perfect movie and TV genre list that will explain the various categories of film and television with their specific subgenres, and we’ll also include helpful examples for… Continue reading Ultimate Guide to Movie Genres — 90+ Genre Examples for Film & TV

What is Black Comedy — Definition and Examples for Filmmakers

What is black comedy? Have you ever watched a movie or TV show and wondered how the characters could joke about violence, disease, or war? That’s what we refer to as black comedy. It goes by many names. Dark humor. Gallows humor. Dark comedy. It all means the same thing. And in this blog, you’ll learn… Continue reading What is Black Comedy — Definition and Examples for Filmmakers