What is Dolby Stereo — History of Game-Changing Sound in Film

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What is Burtonesque — A Complete Tim Burton Style Analysis

Tim Burton is a filmmaker with a style so unique that we’ve come to regard his works — and those who replicate them — as Burtonesque. And we see the Burtonesque in every facet of his films: writing, lighting, music, characters and of course, production design. We’re going to explore the Tim Burton style and his singular mise en scene with the purpose of better understanding expressive filmmaking. By the end, you might be inspired to create something equally audacious and bold.

Continue reading What is Burtonesque — A Complete Tim Burton Style Analysis

15 Movies That Break the Fourth Wall (Besides Deadpool)

For the most part, filmmakers strive to make audiences forget that they are in fact an audience watching a film. They work to make the film completely immersive. But sometimes filmmakers intentionally draw attention to the medium being used by breaking the fourth wall. While not all stories benefit from such interruptions, here are the top 15 movies that break the fourth wall and became iconic examples in the process.

Continue reading 15 Movies That Break the Fourth Wall (Besides Deadpool)

How to Make a Short Film — 12 Steps from Idea to Finished Film

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What is a Film Cut — Editing Cuts and Transitions Explained

@media (min-width: 300px){.thrv_symbol_136369 [data-css="tve-u-18a5087d038"] .tve_w_menu{border-bottom: none;}.thrv_symbol_136369 [data-css="tve-u-18a5087d038"]{overflow: scroll;margin-right: 0px !important;margin-bottom: 0px !important;margin-left: 0px !important;}.thrv_symbol_136369 .thrv_widget_menu #m-17688d19bdf li:not(.tcb-excluded-from-group-item){border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0);text-align: center;--tve-font-weight: var(--g-bold-weight,bold);--tve-font-family: inherit;box-shadow: none;--tve-applied-box-shadow: none;--tve-text-transform: none;padding: 15px 50px !important;margin-left: 0px !important;margin-right: 0px !important;}.thrv_symbol_136369 .thrv_widget_menu #m-17688d19bdf li:not(.tcb-excluded-from-group-item) a{font-family: var(--tve-font-family,inherit);font-size: 14px !important;font-weight: var(--tve-font-weight,var(--g-bold-weight,bold) ) !important;text-transform: var(--tve-text-transform,none) !important;}.thrv_symbol_136369 .thrv_widget_menu #m-17688d19bdf li:not(.tcb-excluded-from-group-item) strong{font-weight: 500;}.thrv_symbol_136369 .tve-regular #m-17688d19bdf .tcb-mega-drop-inner:not(.tcb-excluded-from-group-item) li.lvl-1{max-width: calc(33.3333% - 40px);width: calc(33.3333% - 40px);margin-left: 40px;margin-top: 15px !important;}.thrv_symbol_136369 .tve-regular #m-17688d19bdf .tcb-mega-drop-inner:not(.tcb-excluded-from-group-item) ul{margin-left: -40px;margin-top: -15px !important;}.thrv_symbol_136369 .tve-regular #m-17688d19bdf .tcb-mega-drop-inner ul li a:not(.tcb-excluded-from-group-item){border: none;text-transform: uppercase;letter-spacing: 1px;font-family: var(--tve-font-family,inherit);--tve-font-weight: var(--g-bold-weight,bold);--tve-font-family: inherit;text-align: center;--tve-color: rgb(0,0,0);--tve-applied---tve-color: rgb(0,0,0);--tcb-applied-color: rgb(0,0,0);box-shadow: none;--tve-applied-box-shadow: none;font-weight: var(--tve-font-weight,var(--g-bold-weight,bold) ) !important;color: var(--tve-color,rgb(0,0,0)) !important;font-size: 13px !important;padding-top: 26px !important;padding-bottom: 26px !important;--tve-applied-color: var$(--tve-color,rgb(0,0,0)) !important;margin-top:… Keep reading

Academy Award for Best Production Design — Winners Ranked

What is Production Design What Does a Production Designer Do? Production Design Tips

Production design is everything that goes into making the world of a film – sets, props and more. But despite its importance, production design is a facet of filmmaking that I think many people take for granted. We often ascribe credit to the writers, directors and stars of a picture rather than the artists working in the shadows. But today, we’re going to honor the great production designers of Hollywood by looking at every Academy Award for Best Production Design winner – then we’ll rank some of the best production designs of all-time.… Keep reading

Academy Award for Best Cinematography — Top 20 Winners

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The Academy Award for best cinematography is one of the most prestigious honors bestowed each year at the Oscars.… Keep reading

What is Continuity Editing in Film? Definition and Editing Techniques

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Best End of the World Movies — 15 Visions of the End Times

Filmmakers have attempted to portray the end of the world through film since early cinema. Throughout the years, these attempts have proven to be futile for many. The list of forgettable apocalypse movies could fill a novel. But a few filmmakers have portrayed the end of the world in wildly entertaining and unique ways. So which movie do you put on for movie night when you’re in a rather apocalyptic mood? Here is our complete list of the best end of the world movies.

Continue reading Best End of the World Movies — 15 Visions of the End Times

Best Stanley Kubrick Movies — 13 Masterpieces Ranked (and Video Essay)

There’s no doubt about it: Stanley Kubrick is one of the greatest filmmaking pioneers of all time. Stanley Kubrick was, in many ways, a perfectionist. As such, his filmography isn’t as expansive as those of his contemporaries. But for what Kubrick lacked in quantity he made up for in quality: Each film he directed was a product of detailed planning and masterful execution. Here, we’re going to rank the best Stanley Kubrick films based on these four criteria: acting, filmmaking, and story.

Continue reading Best Stanley Kubrick Movies — 13 Masterpieces Ranked (and Video Essay)

Best 90s Movies of All Time — An Awesome 90s Movies List

90s movies may forever be my favorite movies. For whatever reason, whether comedy, drama, or horror, I feel this overwhelming sense of peace when one of my favorite 90s films is on. Is it just nostalgia or do they actually hold up? I suppose that’s always debatable. But there is a thin line between what is considered one of the “best” movies, and those movies that become so iconic, they define a decade. Some fans praise films for the technical and creative masterpieces that they are, while others love the movies they love because they have impacted them in some personal way.… Keep reading

Best New Movies on Amazon Prime (January 2021)

With such a wealth of new movies to rent on Amazon Prime, it can be hard to keep track of and parse new movies as they are added to the platform. Here we cover 10 new movies worth your time landing on Amazon Prime in January 2021 with plenty of horror in the mix for the Halloween season. You can also read our list of the best overall films available on Amazon Prime right now. All movies will be available as of January 1st unless otherwise noted. Now let’s take a look at what’s new on Amazon Prime Video.

Continue reading Best New Movies on Amazon Prime (January 2021)

What is a Film Treatment? Examples From E.T. and The Shining

Whenever you read a full-length screenplay, it is important to understand all of the steps that led to the final draft of that script. Stories are often changed and workshopped long before they are written into a screenplay. The pre-writing phase of a screenplay is essential to many writers and a fundamental device used is the film treatment. A treatment is utilized for various reasons and can be a key component to developing the seeds of an idea. So, what is a treatment in film? Let’s unpack the definition of a film treatment and why they are important for all writers to understand.… Keep reading

What is a Complementary Color Scheme — Definition, Examples

Color BasicsOpen menu What is Color Temperature Color Grading vs. Color Correction What is LUT What is Technicolor First Color Movie Film Colorization Process Color SchemesOpen menu What is a Color Palette What is a Color Scheme Triadic Color Scheme Monochromatic Color Scheme Analogous Color Scheme Complementary Color Scheme FREE Ebook: How to Use Color in Film

What is a complementary color scheme? How can it be utilized in your filmmaking efforts, why does it matter and how is it different from other color palettes? We will be answering each of these questions and taking a look at the psychology of color in storytelling and showcasing some of the best complementary color schemes found in movies.… Keep reading

55 Best Movie Directors of All Time and Their Greatest Films

The best movie directors of all time — the idea of such a list sparks immediate debate. Rather than try to impose any sort of definitive or objective best directors list, consider this more of a celebration of the entire medium. Woefully underrepresented on this list are women. While women have been an integral part of the film industry since the beginning, the opportunity to direct was rarely given to them. That means that any list that covers the entirety of film history will be unfortunately one-sided. Thankfully, women have been making great strides in reversing this over the years and we’ve seen some truly masterful and inspiring work from the best female directors working today.… Keep reading

Best New Movies on Netflix, Filmmaker Playlist (November 2020)

Every month, dozens of movies arrive on Netflix, but it can be a hassle keeping track of all the great content that comes and goes. Don’t fret though, we’re going to break down the best new movies on Netflix each month to help you decide on what to watch. These are the best of what’s coming to Netflix in November, 2020.

Continue reading Best New Movies on Netflix, Filmmaker Playlist (November 2020)

Best Public Domain Movies Online You Can Watch Right Now

EssentialOpen menu What is Creative Commons What is Fair Use What is Public Domain ResourcesOpen menu Creative Commons License Pros and Cons How Copyright Free Music Works How to Copyright a Script How to Find Award-Worthy Script Ideas from The Public Domain Best Public Domain Movies

There are many great films that are part of the public domain. This also means that in many cases you, yes you, can use these films for your own purposes. With many works in the public domain, you are free to edit, remake, or even use the characters in your own stories. Be sure to research the specific film beforehand if you plan to do this though, as it is possible for a film to be in the public domain while the screenplay remains copyrighted; there are a number of nuances to take into account.… Keep reading