What is Dystopian Fiction? Definition and Characteristics

From movies to novels to video games, dystopian fiction is consistently one of the hottest genres in entertainment. But given its broad scope and variety of forms, the dystopian genre can sometimes be hard to categorize. What is dystopian fiction? What are its defining features and how can we account for its enduring popularity? This article will define dystopian fiction, explain its purpose and function, and provide important examples of it from across the storytelling spectrum.

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Best Thriller Movies of All Time, Ranked for Filmmakers

When it comes to the best thriller movies of all time, there’s a lot to choose from. While great thrillers involve the protagonist in constant and terrifying danger, some are more light hearted, while still juggling with the concepts of life and death.


With such a broad genre, there are many movies in the thriller genre to choose from, including horror, psychological, true crime, and black comedy. Since it can sometimes be difficult to choose good thrillers, we decided to make the job easier for you.


Listed here are the best thrillers from cinema, ranging from new classics to old favorites, along with everything in-between to satisfy all types of thrill seekers.… Keep reading

What is an Allegory? Definition and Examples

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What is an allegory? An allegory is an important part of a symbolic story. Many of us have heard the term used when describing literature or film, but how do we know what it means? We’re going to get to the bottom of those questions by looking at famous examples. But first, let’s define allegory through exploring its etymology.

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What is Screen Direction in Film — How to Preserve Continuity

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What is Social Commentary — Definition, Examples & Meaning

What is social commentary? You may have heard the term thrown around in video essays or seen it pop up in book, music, or film analysis without knowing precisely what it means. In this post, we will define social commentary, examine the different ways it can manifest in cinema, and take a look at a few great examples of films that nail social commentary.

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Best Korean Movies of All-Time — ‘Parasite’ and Beyond

The South Korean film industry has been busy pumping out many of the best movies made over the last couple of decades. With Parasite’s best picture win shining a fresh spotlight on the SK film scene, we thought it would be helpful to offer a guide for newcomers to the best of South Korea’s cinematic output. Join us in counting down the 20 best Korean movies of all time.

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Best Post-Apocalyptic Movies — The End is the Beginning

The post-apocalypse can often be one of the most intense and dynamic settings for a film. There have been many excellent post-apocalyptic films over the years but also plenty of not-so-good ones. Sorting through the deluge of ’80s Mad Max knockoffs and contemporary low-budget, straight-to-DVD apocalyptic films can make finding the gems a little tricky. Today we present you with a list of the best post-apocalyptic movies ever made.

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55 Best Movie Directors of All Time and Their Greatest Films

The best movie directors of all time — the idea of such a list sparks immediate debate. Rather than try to impose any sort of definitive or objective best directors list, consider this more of a celebration of the entire medium. Woefully underrepresented on this list are women. While women have been an integral part of the film industry since the beginning, the opportunity to direct was rarely given to them. That means that any list that covers the entirety of film history will be unfortunately one-sided. Thankfully, women have been making great strides in reversing this over the years and we’ve seen some truly masterful and inspiring work from the best female directors working today.… Keep reading

Parasite Movie Analysis, Synopsis and Ending Explained (Video Essay)

Parasite director Bong Joon-ho’s insightful and engaging comedy/thriller became one of the most talked-about films of the year and set a new precedent for the mark a South Korean movie can leave on United States’ movie-going audiences. The film is packed with social commentary, thrilling moments, and plenty of meaty writing worthy of a full ‘Parasite movie analysis’.

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Best Movies of the 2000s — The Entire Decade Ranked

The 2000s were a weird time for cinema — kind of sandwiched in between the indie 90’s scene and the blockbuster 2010’s scene. But there are so many great movies that came out between 2000 and 2009, that we thought it would be interesting to look back at what made them so great. So without further ado, this is our list of the best movies of the 2000s.

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