Breaking Down the Wedding Scene from Crazy Rich Asians

Every production starts with the script breakdown. Whether you’re working on an effects-heavy mega-budget project like Age of Ultron or a micro-budget indie like Paranormal Activity, you won’t really know what bringing that story to life is going to require until you get into the script and take it apart element by element. So, let’s practice a script breakdown using the big wedding scene from the romantic comedy Crazy Rich Asians.

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Breaking Down the Contemporary Western: Westworld

As the lovechild of the Costume Drama and the Fantasy Adventure, the Western might have more considerations that go into producing it than any other genre. When shooting a western, you’ve got costumes, animals, and stunt work to contend with. You’ve got locations and dirt and weather…And that’s just on an ordinary shoot day.


In this post, take a look at a few of the many considerations that go into shooting a western by breaking down a scene from HBO’s Westworld.

Continue reading Breaking Down the Contemporary Western: Westworld

A Tale of Two Script Breakdowns: Titanic vs. Brooklyn

A script breakdown is one of the most important phases of pre-production. It’s usually the first time you start to develop a clear picture of the size, scope, and cost of a production. Breakdowns allow filmmakers to find the balance between telling the strongest story for the lowest budget. Easier said than done, but in today’s article (and video!), we’ll show you how to budget creatively.

Continue reading A Tale of Two Script Breakdowns: Titanic vs. Brooklyn

La La Land Script Analysis & Free Script Download: How to Write Musicals

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Crafting a well-formatted screenplay has strict rules that every student of screenwriting must learn.


From Robert McKee to Save the Cat!, writers have many resources for making script formats more dynamic and marketable, except when it comes to the modern Hollywood musicals. There’s a lot of mystery around the dos and donts of writing a musical screenplay. … Keep reading

“Hidden Elements” in a Script Breakdown: How to Read Between the Lines

The screenplay is a black and white blueprint for what you’ll see on screen. Every single element of the film must first be on the page. But the long journey from script to screen is a road paved with many decisions. Those decisions start in the script breakdown.


The process of breaking down a script is critical in determining what a scene needs. Missing scene elements could wreak havoc on your schedule and budget. But they don’t have to. Let’s break down a scene and determine the hidden elements hiding in plain sight.

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