@media (min-width: 300px){.thrv_symbol_84949 [data-css="tve-u-16f59ad2561"]{z-index: 10 !important;}:not(#tve) .thrv_symbol_84949 [data-css="tve-u-16f59ad2562"]{background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(255,255,255),rgb(255,255,255)) !important;background-size: auto !important;background-position: 50% 50% !important;background-attachment: scroll !important;background-repeat: no-repeat !important;}:not(#tve) .thrv_symbol_84949 [data-css="tve-u-16f59ad2561"]{padding-left: 30px !important;padding-right: 30px !important;}} Best Marvel MoviesMCU in Release OrderMCU in Story OrderThe Pegasus OrderUpcoming
Over the years, Marvel Studios has assembled quite a filmography. From the early trial-and-error period of Phase 1, through the uncertain highs and lows of Phase 2, all the way up to the record-shattering renaissance of Phase 3, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has run the gamut of quality. Some are hits and some are misses, but these are the best Marvel movies ranked.Now… Keep reading
Filmmaking is a collaborative process, but without a doubt, the most important role on set is that of the director. The director receives most of the credit when a film succeeds and most of the blame when it fails. In other words, there is a lot of pressure and responsibility placed on their shoulders. So, how much do directors make in terms of salary? The answer isn’t as simple as it might seem. The average director salary depends on the nature of the project, the size of the budget, and the director herself. In this post, we’ll lay out the typical Hollywood filmmaker salary using the DGA pay scales for directors in film, television, and commercials.… Keep reading
By this point in time, there is a strong chance you have at least heard of IMAX. It’s often sold to potential customers as the most immersive way to watch a movie, featuring a larger-than-average screen and the highest quality imagery and sound. The ticket price is higher, too. But what is IMAX, and how did it go from a speciality format often seen in museums to a common option found at many multiplexes?
Continue reading What is IMAX and How It Changed the Way We Watch Movies
When audiences saw James Cameron’s Titanic for the first time in 1997, they were awed by a scale of filmmaking that the world had rarely, if at all, seen before. More recently, blockbuster movies are almost expected to match this type of scale — some have exceeded it. So, what are the highest-grossing movies of all time? Although this list does not adjust for inflation, it is apparent that franchise movies have reached an all-time peak (one-third of this list comes from the MCU). That being said, we will be updating the list every time there is a position change which will only be a matter of time.… Keep reading