What is an Allusion? Definition and Examples

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People have been using “allusions” for thousands of years – but what is an allusion? Today, we’re going to outline an allusion definition, alongside some examples. By the end, you’ll know the purpose of allusion, as well as how to use it in writing and everyday conversation. Are you ready to open pandora’s box and get to the bottom of allusion? (that’s an allusion)!

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Best Steven Spielberg Movies, Ranked for Filmmakers

If you loved movies as a child, then there’s a good chance you owe a debt of gratitude to Steven Spielberg. He’s directed some of the best, most entertaining, and most influential films of all time. Honestly, he has about 10 films you could put as #1 on a list of his best movies, and no one would be mad.

He’s been a producer, writer, and even an actor over the years, but for this list, we’re only looking at the 31 feature-length, theatrically-released films in his filmography. Get ready to be inspired because we’re counting down the best Steven Spielberg films ever made.… Keep reading