The Best Movies of 2015 — The Year in Review

Best of…20102011201220132014201520162017201820192010-2019 Cinema had a wide-ranging scope in 2015. Mad Max: Fury Road proved there was still room for high-concept, big-budget spectacle. And then you had films like Tangerine, filmed on an iPhone, to tell the intimate story of a transgender sex worker. 2015 proved filmmakers haven’t run out of ideas yet as long as… Continue reading The Best Movies of 2015 — The Year in Review

The Best Movies of 2012 — The Year in Review

Best of…20102011201220132014201520162017201820192010-2019 2012 has one of the most eclectic lists in StudioBinder’s series on the past decade. From raucous comedies to quiet introspections on political figures to superhero movies, 2012 had it all. No matter what kind of cinephile you consider yourself, there was plenty to choose from at cinemas. Chances are good you’re number… Continue reading The Best Movies of 2012 — The Year in Review

How to Write Dialogue Like Quentin Tarantino — Kill Bill Analysis

Best Tarantino MoviesQT’s Directing StyleQT Directing Tips QT DialogueOnce Upon a Time AnalysisBasterds Breakdown Quentin Tarantino is known for many things as a filmmaker. His films have unpredictable violence and masterfully-crafted scenes. But above all else, Tarantino is known for his dialogue.  It’s not easy holding an audience’s attention for even two minutes, but Tarantino somehow… Continue reading How to Write Dialogue Like Quentin Tarantino — Kill Bill Analysis

Writing and Directing for Suspense: Inglourious Basterds

Quentin Tarantino has created some of the most memorable scenes in film history. However, none are quite so impactful, tense, and amazing as the Inglourious Basterds opening scene.The scene lasts for just under 20 minutes, but during that time, Tarantino employs a vast array of framing techniques and angles to help tell the story to… Continue reading Writing and Directing for Suspense: Inglourious Basterds

Quentin Tarantino’s Star Trek: Should This Be Tarantino’s Last Movie?

Best Tarantino MoviesQT’s Directing StyleQT Directing Tips QT DialogueOnce Upon a Time AnalysisBasterds Breakdown Speculation about Tarantino’s last movie has now reached full tilt — but are we really ready for Quentin Tarantino’s Star Trek? There is only one final film to go before we find out if QT was bluffing or not. But what… Continue reading Quentin Tarantino’s Star Trek: Should This Be Tarantino’s Last Movie?

The Directing Style of Quentin Tarantino

Best Tarantino MoviesQT’s Directing StyleQT Directing Tips QT DialogueOnce Upon a Time AnalysisBasterds Breakdown Is there any filmmaker whose personality is more apparent when you watch his films than Quentin Tarantino? In his own quirky way, Tarantino has introduced us to some of the most shocking and moving emotional moments on film. Of course, Quentin Tarantino’s… Continue reading The Directing Style of Quentin Tarantino