What is Portrait Photography — Types, Styles, Concepts & More

Portraits existed long before the invention of photography. Far before there was a camera even to take a photograph, rulers and monarchs hired painters to paint their own portraits. Today, portrait photography has taken the place of this tradition. Portrait photographers as tasked with the ambitious goal of capturing the identity of a subject in a single image. What is portrait photography and what types are there? In this article, we’ll answer these questions and take a look at the types that exist depending on the subject and goal of a photograph. 

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The Portrait Shot List — How to Prepare For Your Next Shoot

Photography shot lists are used not only to be more efficient while shooting, but to also capture better photos. In portraiture, a portrait shot list is a great way to prepare for a shoot and make sure that you capture the shots that you envision. In order to make sure you don’t miss a shot, you have to be organized. That’s where the shot list comes in. How you create your portrait shot list will depend entirely on your style, the photos you want to create, as well as the logistics of your shoot. Let’s take a look at how to create a shot list for portrait photography.… Keep reading

Portrait Lighting Setup Guide — 8 Ways to Shoot Great Portraits

Taking a great portrait isn’t about having a quality camera and attractive subject. It’s not even about wardrobe or location. If you mess up the lighting in your portraits, post production won’t always be able to save you. How can you nail it each time? Whether you’re taking school pictures or are shooting athletes for an ad, knowing how to master portrait lighting setups will pay off big. 

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What is Low Key Lighting — Definition, Examples in Photo & Film

Low-key lighting can be found in some of the earliest and most influential films in cinema. Early filmmakers utilized low-key lighting in black and white cinematography to tell compelling stories that pushed the art form. Even as film developed and color was introduced to motion pictures, low-key lighting evolved and has influenced the works of some of today’s most prominent cinematographers. Why has low-key lighting been an influence for so long in cinema? How has it evolved past its use in black and white? How can you use it to elevate your next film? Let’s dig in. 

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What is Side Lighting in Photography — Portrait Lighting Tips

One of the biggest challenges photographers and cinematographers face is having the images they shoot pop to a viewer. After all, viewers see these images through two-dimensional mediums such as print or screens. Side lighting is a fundamental lighting technique that will help you achieve the three-dimensional lighting style you desire. What is side lighting in photography and how can you create it? Let’s take a look.

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Short Lighting Photography & Lighting Techniques Explained

There are many viable lighting techniques for film and photography, some cheap and simple, and some complex and costly. Short lighting is one technique that continues to grow more and more popular amongst photographers, but what is short lighting photography? We’ll be defining and breaking down the technique, explaining what it’s used for and why, and taking a look at some short lighting examples. This is everything you need to know about short lighting. Let’s get started with a definition.

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What is Broad Lighting — Types of Portrait Lighting Explained

One of the best places to start when learning about photography is learning about the different portrait lighting setups. From these lighting setups, you’ll be able to learn how light position can completely change the effect on a photo. One of the most common portrait lighting setups is broad lighting. What is broad lighting and how is it created? This is a simple, yet distinctive lighting setup that you will want to use or avoid depending on the effects you are trying to create in your photograph. In this article, we’ll discuss those effects and help you add this technique to your photographic arsenal. … Keep reading

Split Lighting Photography — Examples, Patterns and Setups

Beginner photographers often have the misconception that to create quality portraits, you need multiple lights and complex techniques. While this is true for some portrait lighting setups, many fundamental lighting techniques are quite simplistic. The split lighting technique is perhaps the most simple and achievable of all portrait lighting setups. It is an essential technique for all photographers. And in this article we’ll teach you why and how split lighting techniques are used. 

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What is Butterfly Lighting — Definition, Examples and Setups

Lighting techniques are the heart of great photography and cinematography. Knowing the fundamentals and learning each lighting pattern will give you more control and intention over your shots. Butterfly lighting is fundamental to portrait photography. Not only is it one of the most flattering lighting patterns, it is also extremely easy to set up. So, what is butterfly lighting and how can you achieve it? Let’s get into it.

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