What is Fine Art Photography — Types of Photography Explained

What is fine art photography? How is it made and how is it different from other forms of photography? And, perhaps a larger question that has stirred debate for decades, can photography even be considered a fine art? We will be answering all of these questions and examining some of the best fine art photography… Continue reading What is Fine Art Photography — Types of Photography Explained

How to Shoot Film Photography — A Guide From Start to Finish

With so much new technology coming out seemingly every year, many people are finding themselves drawn to analog technology. Vinyl records are making a comeback, Polaroids have regained popularity,  and bell bottom jeans might just be considered “in” again. Add to this nostalgic list film photography. Film photography is becoming more popular among professional and amateur… Continue reading How to Shoot Film Photography — A Guide From Start to Finish

What is Commercial Photography — Gear, Lighting, & Style Tips

You don’t have to be a professional commercial photographer to know how difficult it is to create images that standout in a sea of commercial images that are constantly in circulation. However, creating effective commercial photographs is not all about being unique, but being effective. And being effective comes down to using technique to capture a… Continue reading What is Commercial Photography — Gear, Lighting, & Style Tips

What is Side Lighting in Photography — Portrait Lighting Tips

One of the biggest challenges photographers and cinematographers face is having the images they shoot pop to a viewer. After all, viewers see these images through two-dimensional mediums such as print or screens. Side lighting is a fundamental lighting technique that will help you achieve the three-dimensional lighting style you desire. What is side lighting… Continue reading What is Side Lighting in Photography — Portrait Lighting Tips

What is FOV — The Importance of Field of View in Photography

Whether you’re a photographer, a video game designer, a filmmaker, or work with VR, thoroughly understanding field of view or (FOV) is your foundation for success. It’s basic optics, and while you likely can assume what it is, let’s quickly go over it and see its importance in photography and the gaming world. So, what… Continue reading What is FOV — The Importance of Field of View in Photography

What is Backlight Photography — Lighting Techniques Explained

BasicsOpen menu Basics of Film Lighting What Does a Cinematographer Do What is Cinematography What is Digital Cinematography Cinematography Terms What is Motion Blur Lighting EssentialsOpen menu 3-Point Lighting What is Key Light What is Fill Light What is Backlight What is Practical Lighting When is Golden Hour E-BooksOpen menu FREE Ebook: Camera Lenses Explained… Continue reading What is Backlight Photography — Lighting Techniques Explained

Short Lighting Photography & Lighting Techniques Explained

There are many viable lighting techniques for film and photography, some cheap and simple, and some complex and costly. Short lighting is one technique that continues to grow more and more popular amongst photographers, but what is short lighting photography? We’ll be defining and breaking down the technique, explaining what it’s used for and why,… Continue reading Short Lighting Photography & Lighting Techniques Explained

How to Make Photos Look Like Film — Editing Tips & Apps

Despite the ever advancing technology in the realm of digital cameras, many photographers are finding their way back to shooting on film cameras. There is something unique and nostalgic about photos shot the old analog way. But as any new film shooter soon finds out, shooting film can be expensive and timely. So how can you… Continue reading How to Make Photos Look Like Film — Editing Tips & Apps

What is Broad Lighting — Types of Portrait Lighting Explained

One of the best places to start when learning about photography is learning about the different portrait lighting setups. From these lighting setups, you’ll be able to learn how light position can completely change the effect on a photo. One of the most common portrait lighting setups is broad lighting. What is broad lighting and… Continue reading What is Broad Lighting — Types of Portrait Lighting Explained

Film vs Digital Photography — The Good & Bad of Each Format

Any photographer, whether you are aspiring to be a professional or take photos as a hobby, wonders whether or not film photography or digital photography is better. Knowing the difference between the two will help you utilize each to what they’re best at.  Ultimately, this will result in better photographs. Let’s take a look at the… Continue reading Film vs Digital Photography — The Good & Bad of Each Format

Split Lighting Photography — Examples, Patterns and Setups

Beginner photographers often have the misconception that to create quality portraits, you need multiple lights and complex techniques. While this is true for some portrait lighting setups, many fundamental lighting techniques are quite simplistic. The split lighting technique is perhaps the most simple and achievable of all portrait lighting setups. It is an essential technique for… Continue reading Split Lighting Photography — Examples, Patterns and Setups

Best Light Meter — Top 8 Ranked for Photography, Film & Video

Hand-held light meters might seem like an outdated appendage. Most modern cameras come with built-in light meters, and editing software is getting better and better at offering remedies to poorly-exposed footage. But light meters continue to be invaluable: a cinematographer’s primary job is to understand and manipulate light, and you can’t do that with a built-in… Continue reading Best Light Meter — Top 8 Ranked for Photography, Film & Video

What is the Circle of Confusion — Photography Definition

How do you ensure your photos are sharp and in focus? Getting comfortable with the circle of confusion is a good first step. What is circle of confusion? This concept is an under-defined, yet super critical idea in photography. And understanding it will help you see how everything works together. The circle of confusion is… Continue reading What is the Circle of Confusion — Photography Definition

Loop Lighting Photography — Definition, Setup & Creative Uses

For portrait photographers, loop lighting is essential. And for beginners, it’s a straightforward lighting setup to learn. It can be created with only one light source and an understanding of where to put that light source. So, what is loop lighting photography and how can you capture it? In this article, we’ll be taking a look… Continue reading Loop Lighting Photography — Definition, Setup & Creative Uses

What is Butterfly Lighting — Definition, Examples and Setups

Lighting techniques are the heart of great photography and cinematography. Knowing the fundamentals and learning each lighting pattern will give you more control and intention over your shots. Butterfly lighting is fundamental to portrait photography. Not only is it one of the most flattering lighting patterns, it is also extremely easy to set up. So,… Continue reading What is Butterfly Lighting — Definition, Examples and Setups

Underexposed Photography — Editing in Photoshop & Lightroom

BasicsOpen menu Basics of Film Lighting What Does a Cinematographer Do What is Cinematography What is Digital Cinematography Cinematography Terms What is Motion Blur Lighting EssentialsOpen menu 3-Point Lighting What is Key Light What is Fill Light What is Backlight What is Practical Lighting When is Golden Hour E-BooksOpen menu FREE Ebook: Camera Lenses Explained… Continue reading Underexposed Photography — Editing in Photoshop & Lightroom

Best Polaroid Camera — Models, Specs, Prices and Features

What is the best Polaroid camera? Once upon a time, Polaroid reigned king in the world of instant cameras, but it struggled to retain market share due to growing competition and a cultural shift to video. Today, Polaroid is back – and amateur and professional photographers have begun to take notice. We’re going to rank… Continue reading Best Polaroid Camera — Models, Specs, Prices and Features