Major Awards:Open menu Best Picture Best Director Best Actress Best Supporting Actress Best Actor Best Supporting Actor Writing & Visual:Open menu Best Original Screenplay Best Adapted Screenplay Best Film Editing Best Visual Effects Best Cinematography Animation & Production:Open menu Best Animated Short Film Best Animated Feature Film Best International Feature Film Best Costume Design Best… Continue reading Academy Award for Best Picture — Full List & Top 20 Ranked
All too often, the term “static character” carries a negative connotation. Some think this implies that a character is boring, overly simple, or even poorly written. However, the complete opposite can be true. Some of cinema’s most memorable characters are also static characters such as The Dude from The Big Lebowski, Anton Chigurh from No… Continue reading What is a Static Character — Definition, Examples in Storytelling
A great story is often, if not always, synonymous with great characters. Crafting great characters is not an easy feat. So it’s no wonder that readers and writers alike gravitate toward the best characters in storytelling. Analyzing characters can be incredibly helpful for crafting your own characters or simply understanding your favorite story more deeply.… Continue reading How to Write a Character Analysis — Tips and Techniques
Types of CharactersOpen menu Protagonist Antagonist Hero Anti Hero Tragic Hero Foil Character Character TropesOpen menu Common Character Types Types of Villains Femme Fatale Mad Scientist Mary Sue Damsel in Distress Write Your Free Script → Villains come in all shapes and sizes. From cruel dictators to menacing ghosts, these villains are often the driving… Continue reading Types of Villains — 10 Forms of the Villain Archetype Explained
Screenplay Structure 101Open menu Three Act Structure Freytag’s Pyramid Story Mountain Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey Save the Cat Dan Harmon’s Story Circle 5 Stages of A StoryOpen menu Exposition Inciting Incident Rising Action Climax Falling Action Denouement Write Your Script For Free → A climax in storytelling is the most intense, exciting, or emotionally charged point… Continue reading What is the Climax of a Story — Definition, Examples & Structure
There are few things that can keep an audience more engaged in a film than suspense. But what is suspense, exactly? That feeling of intense anticipation can be found in various genres and have an audience leaning forward with their eyes glued to the screen. Understanding what suspense is and how it differs from other… Continue reading What is Suspense — The Elements of Suspense Explained
Basics of CompositionOpen menu What is Composition Rules of Shot Composition Rules of Composition Scale Proportion BalanceOpen menu Asymmetrical Balance Symmetrical Balance Radial Balance Golden Ratio Foreground Elements Texture SpaceOpen menu Positive Space Negative Space Positive & Negative Space Fill the Frame Simplicity There are certain compositional techniques that make a shot visually beautiful. There… Continue reading What is a Frame Within a Frame — Composition Techniques
Types of CharactersOpen menu Protagonist Antagonist Hero Anti Hero Tragic Hero Foil Character Character TropesOpen menu Common Character Types Types of Villains Femme Fatale Mad Scientist Mary Sue Damsel in Distress Write Your Free Script → Сinema is riddled with great villains who served their purpose as the foe of an antagonist. However, every now… Continue reading Anton Chigurh — Characterization of an Iconic Villain Explained
Ever since The Great Train Robbery introduced filmgoers to the joys of a glorious gunfight in 1903, shootouts have become a staple of cinematic spectacles. Throughout movie history, filmmakers have tried to one-up each other by creating the most titillating exchange of gunfire possible. Over a century since its inception, the shootout continues to be… Continue reading Best Movie Shootouts of All Time — Locked, Loaded & Ranked
Screenplays By GenreOpen menu Comedy Sci-Fi Drama Crime TV Scripts Horror ResourcesOpen menu FREE Scripts: StudioBinder Screenwriting Library Best Screenplays to Read Shane Black Movies & Screenwriting Explained Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay Best Horror Movie Scripts to Download Write Your Script for Free → What are the… Continue reading Best Screenplays to Read for Aspiring Screenwriters — Top 10