Medium Shots: Creative Examples of Camera Movements & Angles

Close UpsOpen menu Extreme Close-Up (ECU) Medium Close-Up (MCU) Medium ShotsOpen menu Medium Shot (MS) Cowboy Shot (CS) Medium Full Shot (MFS) Wide ShotsOpen menu Full Shot (FS) Wide Shot (WS) Extreme Wide Shot (EWS) Create Free Shot List W e’ve all seen films that constantly use medium shots, but how often do you notice? Every… Continue reading Medium Shots: Creative Examples of Camera Movements & Angles

What is a Film Treatment? Examples From E.T. and The Shining

Whenever you read a full-length screenplay, it is important to understand all of the steps that led to the final draft of that script. Stories are often changed and workshopped long before they are written into a screenplay. The pre-writing phase of a screenplay is essential to many writers and a fundamental device used is… Continue reading What is a Film Treatment? Examples From E.T. and The Shining