Best New Movies on Netflix, Filmmaker Playlist (October 2020)

Every month, dozens of movies arrive on Netflix, but it can be a hassle keeping track of all the great content that comes and goes. Don’t fret though, we’re going to break down the best new movies on Netflix each month to help you decide on what to watch. These are the best of what’s coming to Netflix in June, 2020.

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How to Use Color in Film like Kubrick: Mise-en-Scène Elements Explained

Color BasicsOpen menu What is Color Temperature Color Grading vs. Color Correction What is LUT What is Technicolor First Color Movie Film Colorization Process Color SchemesOpen menu What is a Color Palette What is a Color Scheme Triadic Color Scheme Monochromatic Color Scheme Analogous Color Scheme Complementary Color Scheme FREE Ebook: How to Use Color in Film

Mise en scene plays a huge role in communicating the tone of a story — but what is mise en scene? In classical terms, mise en scene is the arrangement of scenery and stage properties in a play or film. Today, mise en scene is regarded as all of the elements that go into any single shot of a production.… Keep reading

20 Best Action Movie Actors of All Time, Ranked for Filmmakers

The best action movie actors have a magnetic combination of physical ability, “coolness,” and charisma to spare. Hollywood’s obsession with muscle-bound action stars may have lessened since the gun-toting days of the ’80s and ’90s but compelling, talented central figures remain a staple of action cinema the world over. Join us in counting down the 20 all-time best action stars from around the world.

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What is a Steadicam Shot & How Did it Change Cinema?

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What is New Hollywood? The Revolution of 1960s and ‘70s Hollywood

What is New Hollywood? There’s a scene in Orson Welles’ The Other Side of the Wind that can answer that for us. It shows a group of young directors going to the home of a Hollywood Golden Age titan to express their admiration. This scene shows what the Hollywood New Wave was really about; an unwavering appreciation for Film that inspired these filmmakers to take it in a new direction. Essentially, New Hollywood was American cinema reborn by the Film School Generation.

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The Batman 2021: Cast, Set Photos, Release Date and What We Know So Far

Robert Pattinson’s The Batman (2021) is one of the most highly anticipated movies in the world. But although the film has generated enormous pre-release hype, the history of its production is littered with roadblocks and challenges. We’re going to break down everything we know so far about the new Batman movie by looking at the film’s cast and crew, story details, and expected release date.

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Best Shows on Amazon Prime Video (May 2020)

How many hours have you spent combing through streaming services looking for the next great show to watch? If you’re anything like me, then it’s probably more than you’re comfortable admitting. But don’t fret, we’ve scoured the depths of the seven seas of streaming to deliver you our take on what the best shows to watch right now are. Here’s our list of the best shows on Amazon Prime Video.

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Is the Irishman Based on a True Story? How Scorsese Adapted the Truth

The Irishman shook up the awards season when it was released on Netflix. With a 3.5-hour runtime spanning the career of Frank Sheeran, a known associate of Jimmy Hoffa, the Martin Scorsese-directed movie quickly became must-see viewing. But after watching the epic film, one question seems to come to mind. Is The Irishman ‘true story’ really that true?


It’s based on the life of Frank Sheeran, and for the most part, it seems to be an accurate retelling. However, there are a few plot points that have raised some eyebrows. After all, there’s a reason why they say The Irishman is based on a true story and not just a true story.… Keep reading

The Irishman Scene Breakdown — How Martin Scorsese Opens an Epic

By now, you’ve heard the jokes. One Netflix user timestamped The Irishman scene by scene so people could watch it as a mini-series. Others have recommended Martin Scorsese’s 209-minute epic to pass the time amidst the coronavirus outbreak: To survive months in isolation, just watch it once!

We get it: The Irishman is long. Such is the nature of a film that spans six decades within its storyline.

We’re not here to look for every Easter egg allegedly hidden inside Scorsese’s sprawling true crime narrative. But if you’re a filmmaker looking to leave a lasting first impression on your audience, there’s much to learn even from The Irishman’s opening scene alone.… Keep reading

30 Best Woody Allen Movies Ranked for Filmmakers

Woody Allen is a writer and director who bares his emotions and neuroses on screen. It’s for this very reason that so many of his films feel so personal.


Yet, as an audience, it feels harder than ever to make sense of the complicated nature that is Allen’s catalog of work, especially in light of allegations of sexual assault that have been made against him.


But still, it’s undeniable that Allen is not only one of the most prolific filmmakers in the history of cinema, but also one of the best.


In this article, we’re going to judge Allen’s work by four movie criteria: legacy, acting, filmmaking, and story.… Keep reading

Michael Bay’s Best Movies, Ranked from Worst to Best

Here at StudioBinder, we’ve written extensively about auteurs in the field of film. We’ve discussed artists like Martin Scorsese, Christopher Nolan, and David Fincher at length. And then, there’s Michael Bay.

Love him or hate him, his films have influenced the filmmaking world. His 360 shot and his unique editing strategies have impacted filmmakers young and old alike. For this list, we’re counting down the best Michael Bay films of all time, and yes, there are some pretty good ones. Let’s dive into it.

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Martin Scorsese Directed Movies: Interviews and Quotes on his Filmmaking Techniques

Martin Scorsese directed movies make up some of the greatest films ever made. While they seem larger than life, they’re made by a thoughtful craftsman who brings an undeniable style to filmmaking.

In this post, we will quickly look at the Martin Scorsese filmography, and then layout the directing style, script trends, and editing techniques used by Martin Scorsese and his filmmaking teams over the years.

Alright, pictures up.

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Martin Scorsese Film School: Interviews and Quotes on his Techniques

How do you learn from a director like Martin Scorsese? You can watch his films, and you can learn by watching his interviews. We took the best Martin Scorsese quotes from his various interviews.

Then we compiled a video with examples from his films, so that way you can perfectly understand the directing tips he makes in each interview.

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The Wolf of Wall Street Long Take — Director’s Playbook

How does one create a great tracking shot in film? What strategies are available to keep the shot interesting for the audience without becoming too chaotic? With this example from Martin Scorsese’s excellent film The Wolf of Wall Street, we’ll show you how a master filmmaker uses eye lines, blocking, and framing to create a riveting long take and avoid unnecessary cuts.Make sure to read through to the end for more examples of long takes in television and film!

Continue reading The Wolf of Wall Street Long Take — Director’s Playbook