How to Use a Green Screen — Setup, Lighting and Creative Uses

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What is Hard Light — Examples and Techniques in Film & Photo

Whether you are a cinematographer or photographer, you are very likely to come across a project that will require the use of hard light. High contrast photography, Chiaroscuro lighting, and dramatic images in general are all created with some type of hard light. What is hard light and how does it differ from soft light? We’ll answer these questions and give you some tips to create and shape hard light so that you can use it to create the images you see in your mind. 

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Roger Deakins Movies — His 16 Best Ranked for Filmmakers

Roger Deakins movies include Fargo, Skyfall, Sicario, No Country for Old Men, and recently he won the Academy Award in Cinematography for Blade Runner 2049 and 1917. But these are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the best Roger Deakins movies. We watched every one of them to see which films we think qualify as the best of the best in cinematography.

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What is Tenebrism — The Art of Light and Shadow Explained

What is tenebrism? Tenebrism is a lighting style that’s often confused with chiaroscuro – but what are the differences between them? And what makes the style unique? We’re going to explore tenebrism by looking at paintings from the Renaissance period. By the end, you’ll know where this style originated, what it can bring to your imagery, and how it’s been used by visual artists for half a millennium in fine art, photography, and film. Let’s get to it.

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What is Side Lighting in Photography — Portrait Lighting Tips

One of the biggest challenges photographers and cinematographers face is having the images they shoot pop to a viewer. After all, viewers see these images through two-dimensional mediums such as print or screens. Side lighting is a fundamental lighting technique that will help you achieve the three-dimensional lighting style you desire. What is side lighting in photography and how can you create it? Let’s take a look.

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What is Backlight Photography — Lighting Techniques Explained

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Short Lighting Photography & Lighting Techniques Explained

There are many viable lighting techniques for film and photography, some cheap and simple, and some complex and costly. Short lighting is one technique that continues to grow more and more popular amongst photographers, but what is short lighting photography? We’ll be defining and breaking down the technique, explaining what it’s used for and why, and taking a look at some short lighting examples. This is everything you need to know about short lighting. Let’s get started with a definition.

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What is Magic Hour Photography & Cinematography Explained

You may have heard about golden hour, that special time before a sunset or just after a sunrise. For many photographers, golden hour is a great time to get a wonderful, warm, and beautiful photograph. But what is magic hour? Surely you must have heard of it, especially if you have also heard of golden hour. These two hours have a lot in common, but they’re not the exact same thing. So let’s dig further into what is magic hour and how it differentiates from the golden.

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What is Broad Lighting — Types of Portrait Lighting Explained

One of the best places to start when learning about photography is learning about the different portrait lighting setups. From these lighting setups, you’ll be able to learn how light position can completely change the effect on a photo. One of the most common portrait lighting setups is broad lighting. What is broad lighting and how is it created? This is a simple, yet distinctive lighting setup that you will want to use or avoid depending on the effects you are trying to create in your photograph. In this article, we’ll discuss those effects and help you add this technique to your photographic arsenal. … Keep reading

Split Lighting Photography — Examples, Patterns and Setups

Beginner photographers often have the misconception that to create quality portraits, you need multiple lights and complex techniques. While this is true for some portrait lighting setups, many fundamental lighting techniques are quite simplistic. The split lighting technique is perhaps the most simple and achievable of all portrait lighting setups. It is an essential technique for all photographers. And in this article we’ll teach you why and how split lighting techniques are used. 

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