What is Cyberpunk — Genre Definition, Origins & Examples

Tall buildings, smoke filled rooms, femme fatales, people on the margins of society, late nights, bright signs….and cybernetic implants? No, it’s not film noir, it’s Cyberpunk. It’s a sub-genre that has slowly but surely integrated itself into popular media from the 1970s all the way to the 2020s. Taking inspiration from hard boiled fiction and… Continue reading What is Cyberpunk — Genre Definition, Origins & Examples

Best Action Movies of All Time, Ranked for Filmmakers

Nothing gets the blood pumping like a good, old-fashioned action flick. From incredible set pieces to beautifully-choreographed action to, of course, amazing one-liners, action is a popular film genre for a reason. And now, it’s time to rank the best action movies of all time. Popular action movies take all shapes and forms. This list has… Continue reading Best Action Movies of All Time, Ranked for Filmmakers

How to Use Slow Motion to Create Iconic Moments

Like anyone who has spent two hours waiting at the DMV can attest, emotional states are affected by the perception of time. In filmmaking terms, we want to take a moment to discuss one of the most commonly used time manipulation techniques — slow motion — and how it can be used to add deeper,… Continue reading How to Use Slow Motion to Create Iconic Moments