70 Hilarious Dark Comedy Movies & TV Shows

The best dark comedy movies and TV shows go for the jugular. It’s not enough to just be edgy, or even malicious. You need to tap into deep, disturbing levels of discomfort… and build a summer home.


We made the ultimate list of dark comedy movies and TV shows, plus a video essay that takes a deep dive into one dark comedy, The Lobster. Let’s jump into our list of the best dark comedy movies and TV shows.

Continue reading 70 Hilarious Dark Comedy Movies & TV Shows

Sound Editing vs Sound Mixing — What’s the Difference?

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Roger Deakins Movies — His 16 Best Ranked for Filmmakers

Roger Deakins movies include Fargo, Skyfall, Sicario, No Country for Old Men, and recently he won the Academy Award in Cinematography for Blade Runner 2049 and 1917. But these are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the best Roger Deakins movies. We watched every one of them to see which films we think qualify as the best of the best in cinematography.

Continue reading Roger Deakins Movies — His 16 Best Ranked for Filmmakers

The Best Sam Mendes Movies — American Beauty to 1917

Sam Mendes, director of stage and screen, may not release quite as many feature films as some of his contemporaries but one thing he has displayed in abundance is variety. With the exception of his turns in the James Bond series as the Spectre and Skyfall director, it’s rare to see Sam Mendes movies tackle the same subject matter more than once. With a chameleon filmography, he leaps from gangster film to war film to drama to rom-com. Mendes adapts his style to best suit the story at hand, rather than focusing on a cohesive directorial fingerprint across his body of work.… Keep reading