All-Time Best Jump Scare Movies Ranked (Do Not Watch Alone!)

Horror heads often scoff at jump scares. The technique can feel too easy: slap a loud sound effect on an unexpected thing in the dark and anyone will gasp — it’s glorified peek-a-boo. But a great jump scare is undeniable. Done with taste, originality, and skill, the jump can deliver a scare that will linger… Continue reading All-Time Best Jump Scare Movies Ranked (Do Not Watch Alone!)

What is a Slasher Film — Definition, Characters, Villains & Tropes

What is a Slasher film? The name of this popular horror sub-genre might evoke a strong mental image, but do you know the actual criteria for what constitutes a Slasher film? In this post, we’ll provide a Slasher movie definition, explore the complex history of Slasher films, and take a look at some of the… Continue reading What is a Slasher Film — Definition, Characters, Villains & Tropes