Why are humans drawn to the horror genre? From books to film, we can’t seem to get enough of what scares us most. In this article, we will look at the definition of horror and why we enjoy the genre so much. We will also look at a brief history of American cinema and how horror has evolved over the years. While this article will provide a general definition of horror, the genre is open to interpretation. After all, what is horror to you, is Child’s Play to me.
Continue reading What is Horror? Definition and Examples in Film
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Hulu has really stepped up its game over the last few years, and with new competition like Disney+ and HBO Max, can you blame them? With so many streaming services, it’s hard to know where new releases go and old favorites live. But now the trouble is…how do you find anything? Well, we’ve got you covered. We’ve done the heavy lifting for you and we’ve curated our own library of the best movies on Hulu right now.
As films come and go, we’ll be updating this list, so feel free to check back each month.
Continue reading The Best Movies on Hulu Right Now (Nov.…
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Hulu has really stepped up its game over the last few years, and with new competition like Disney+ and HBO Max, can you blame them? With so many streaming services, it’s hard to know where new releases go and old favorites live. But now the trouble is…how do you find anything? Well, we’ve got you covered. We’ve done the heavy lifting for you and we’ve curated our own library of the best movies on Hulu right now. As films come and go, we’ll be updating this list, so feel free to check back each month.
Continue reading The Best Movies on Hulu Right Now (October 2020)