What is a Character Arc — Definition & Types of Character Arcs

What is a character arc and why are they so important in storytelling? A character arc is an essential part of writing a fully-fledged character. As much as we like seeing goals being achieved, it is the internal, positive change in characters that we really gravitate towards. We’re going to answer those questions with a character arc definition – then we’ll look at character arc examples in literature and film. By the end, you’ll know how to write a satisfying arc.

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What is Indirect Characterization — Character Building Tips

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What is Socratic Dialogue — Definition, Examples & Uses

A Socratic dialogue is an excellent vehicle for individuals to explore the epistemological nature of ideas. But what is Socratic dialogue? And why is it an excellent vehicle for exploring epistemology? We’re going to answer those questions by defining Socratic dialogue; then we’ll break down some Socratic dialogue examples. By the end, you’ll know how to recognize and implement this techniue in your writing and everyday life.

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What is a Paradox? Definition and Examples for Literature and Film

Narrative ElementsOpen menu Antagonist Catharsis Motif Plot Protagonist Theme Narrative DevicesOpen menu Deus ex Machina Foreshadowing Irony Personification Plot Twist Red Herring Write Your Script For Free →

What is a paradox? Definitions can often feel, well, paradoxical. Even though paradoxes have been part of human thinking for thousands of years, they are not always well understood. This seems particularly true of paradoxes in movies, which often leave viewers scratching their heads. Whether you want to get a grip on exactly what a paradox is, or write the next great brain-teasing movie paradox, this article will get you started.… Keep reading

Interstellar Explained — Plot, Meaning & the Ending Explained

There’s no doubt about it: Interstellar was one of the most mentally-stimulating blockbusters of the 2010s. As such, a lot of people were confused about the Interstellar plot, high-concept science, and bold ending. It’s time for Interstellar explained – a deep-dive in which we answer some of the biggest questions audiences asked about the film. By the end, you’ll know the plot and meaning like the back of your hand; you might even say we’ll have an “interstellar explanation” for the fourth dimension.

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The Dolly Shot: How To Create Powerful Shots With Simple Movement

Types of Camera MovementsOpen menu Static Pan Tilt Whip Pan Zoom Dolly-Zoom (Zolly) More ShotsOpen menu Aerial Track / Truck All Shots & Angles Camera Movements Explained Camera Shot Ultimate Guide Camera Movement Master Class Create Free Shot List Now →

It can be difficult to push your audience to identify with the characters while only using camera movement. But it is possible. Today, we’ll review the dolly shot and learn how you can use them creatively to bring the audience into your characters’ world. We’ll also walk you through the process of planning, scheduling, and shooting your own dolly shots in your next project.… Keep reading

Top 11 Christopher Nolan Movies, Ranked Worst to Best

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Which are the best Christopher Nolan movies?… Keep reading

What is Genre — Definition and Examples of Genre Conventions

Have you ever watched a film that had some level of predictability, but despite this kept you engaged and entertained up until the credits rolled? Odds are the filmmaker behind the movie had a solid understanding of the genre. Most movie-goers have a basic understanding of popular movie genres such as comedy, romance, and dramas. But to be a filmmaker in addition to being a film fanatic, it’s important to understand the components that define a film’s genre. 

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What Is a Plot? Types of Plot, Definitions, and Examples

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