Christmas is a time of year associated with presents, good cheer, and depending on who you ask, a great deal of gore and monsters. There’s just something about the jolly holiday season that makes for excellent juxtaposition with the horror genre. There have been plenty of mash-ups and slasher flicks that take place around Christmas,… Continue reading 20 Best Christmas Horror Movies of All Time, Ranked
The best scary movies stay with you. They follow you home from the movie theater. They are right behind you as you walk alone at night. They are with you no matter how deep under the covers you go. Like the videotape in The Ring, once you’ve seen it, you can’t unsee it. The best scary… Continue reading 10 Best Scary Movies That You Need to Watch Right Now
Jordan Peele followed up his Oscar-winning horror film Get Out with another horror flick that dealt heavily in social commentary: Us. The movie follows a suburban family who goes on vacation only to discover a group of doppelgangers are out to get them. They soon learn there’s an entire world of doppelgangers hiding within an… Continue reading Us Movie Ending Explained: Symbolism, Themes & Easter Eggs
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