Best Steven Spielberg Movies, Ranked for Filmmakers

If you loved movies as a child, then there’s a good chance you owe a debt of gratitude to Steven Spielberg. He’s directed some of the best, most entertaining, and most influential films of all time. Honestly, he has about 10 films you could put as #1 on a list of his best movies, and no one would be mad.

He’s been a producer, writer, and even an actor over the years, but for this list, we’re only looking at the 31 feature-length, theatrically-released films in his filmography. Get ready to be inspired because we’re counting down the best Steven Spielberg films ever made.… Keep reading

Steven Spielberg Movies — Filmmaking Style & Techniques

You’ve seen many Steven Spielberg movies in your time. Despite his popularity, it can be difficult to pinpoint what defines the Steven Spielberg directing style. Perhaps his control of the medium is so natural and intuitive, his trademarks and cinematography techniques go unnoticed in a good way. This article will explore the most iconic films by Spielberg, analyzing his unique style and storytelling techniques.

We get lost in a Spielberg movie in a way that’s like no other filmmaker. His ability to captivate audiences raises questions like what film is the highest grossing of all time, as many of his masterpieces have shaped the box office landscape.We’re… Keep reading

How to Become an Actor as a Kid — 8 Steps for Child Actors

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Some of the best actors in the business began as child actors.… Keep reading

Best Movie Sequels of All Time, Ranked for Filmmakers

Audiences and filmmakers alike love sequels. And we all love to rank and debate which are the “greatest.” But deciding which films belong on a “best movie sequels of all time” list can feel overwhelming. How does one choose from every film ever made? And how to rank one above the other? While such a list is by definition subjective, it doesn’t have to be arbitrary. One way of more rigorously determining if a movie is the best in a certain category is by ranking it according to aggregated scores across categories.

Continue reading Best Movie Sequels of All Time, Ranked for Filmmakers