Best Quentin Tarantino Movies Ranked for Filmmakers

Quentin Tarantino has been one of the most controversial and intriguing directors since the 1990s. Some people adore his quippy dialogue while others flinch in fear from his giddy reliance on excessive violence. And the feet. So many feet.


We’re ranked all Quentin Tarantino films here so that if you haven’t watched anything from the prolific filmmaker, you now know where to start. Although Tarantino insists his next film will be his last, he’s left behind a lofty legacy of first-class films that will be studied for decades to come. Get ready for a debate because here’s StudioBinder’s complete list of Quentin Tarantino movies.… Keep reading

Famous Guns in Movies — Cinema’s Most Creative Movie Guns

Few props are as inherently cinematic as firearms. For decades, creative filmmakers have been pushing past the bounds of reality to craft truly inventive and unique movie guns. Whether in the action, thriller, or sci-fi genres, there are many examples of writers and directors injecting an added dose of creativity into their shootouts by inventing fictional firearms. Join us in counting down the most creative guns in movies.

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All Edgar Wright Movies Ranked — TV, Shorts & Videos Too!

There are many things that define movies directed by Edgar Wright. Brilliant needle drops. Laugh-out-loud moments by the barrelful. And characters subtly telling you at the beginning what’s going to happen throughout the movie. There’s really no such thing as a bad Edgar Wright movie, so consider this a ranking from great to greatest. By looking at each of his films, we can dissect what makes him such an idiosyncratic filmmaker and why each new film he comes out with is met with intense anticipation from movie lovers. We’ve left his first feature, A Fistful of Fingers, off the list because it’s rather difficult to see — it’s practically a lost film.… Keep reading