How to Master Rembrandt Lighting in Photography and Video

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Best New Movies on Netflix, Filmmaker Playlist (October 2020)

Every month, dozens of movies arrive on Netflix, but it can be a hassle keeping track of all the great content that comes and goes. Don’t fret though, we’re going to break down the best new movies on Netflix each month to help you decide on what to watch. These are the best of what’s coming to Netflix in June, 2020.

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Best Clint Eastwood Movies of All Time, Ranked for Filmmakers

Although the Western genre is past its hay day, it undoubtedly has inspired the work of some of today’s most prolific filmmakers and it is hard to hear the word “Western” without thinking of the best Clint Eastwood movies of all time. Eastwood proved to be a major factor in defining the genre but has also stepped outside of the Western to take on some of his most memorable roles. Besides his incredible achievements as a director, Clint Eastwood’s presence on the big screen has inspired, influenced, and entertained generations of movie-goers and filmmakers alike. So we compromised a list of Eastwood’s best and most memorable movies as an actor.… Keep reading

Best Movies of the 2000s — The Entire Decade Ranked

The 2000s were a weird time for cinema — kind of sandwiched in between the indie 90’s scene and the blockbuster 2010’s scene. But there are so many great movies that came out between 2000 and 2009, that we thought it would be interesting to look back at what made them so great. So without further ado, this is our list of the best movies of the 2000s.

Continue reading Best Movies of the 2000s — The Entire Decade Ranked