When looking at some of cinema and literature’s most iconic characters, it’s easy to find ones that are non-human. Animals, androids, and other non-human characters, however, have somehow won our hearts over in countless tales. This is largely due to the fact that these non-human characters are given human traits, otherwise known as anthropomorphism. What is anthropomorphism used for? Let’s define anthropomorphism and its function in the world of storytelling.
Continue reading What is Anthropomorphism — Definition, Examples & Uses
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Ever since Disney Plus launched, fans of all ages have been able to relive classic films from their childhoods. But since it’s Disney, people can now watch Star Wars and Marvel movies with the click of a button. Disney Plus has films from decades ago, so it may feel a bit overwhelming to decide what you should watch next to become an even more informed Disney fan. But for our money, these are the best Disney Plus movies you can watch tonight.
Continue reading Best Disney Plus Movies You Can Watch Right Now (Oct 2020)
Ever since Disney Plus launched, fans of all ages have been able to relive classic films from their childhoods. But since it’s Disney, people can now watch Star Wars and Marvel movies with the click of a button. Disney Plus has films from decades ago, so it may feel a bit overwhelming to decide what you should watch next to become an even more informed Disney fan. But for our money, these are the best Disney Plus movies you can watch tonight.
Continue reading Best Disney Plus Movies You Can Watch Right Now (Dec. 2020)
Ever since Disney Plus launched, fans of all ages have been able to relive classic films from their childhoods. But since it’s Disney, people can now watch Star Wars and Marvel movies with the click of a button. Disney Plus has films from decades ago, so it may feel a bit overwhelming to decide what you should watch next to become an even more informed Disney fan. But for our money, these are the best Disney Plus movies you can watch tonight.
Continue reading Best Disney Plus Movies You Can Watch Right Now (Sept 2020)
Ever since Disney Plus launched, fans of all ages have been able to relive classic films from their childhoods. But since it’s Disney, people can now watch Star Wars and Marvel movies with the click of a button. Disney Plus has films from decades ago, so it may feel a bit overwhelming to decide what you should watch next to become an even more informed Disney fan. But for our money, these are the best Disney Plus movies you can watch tonight.
Continue reading Best Disney Plus Movies You Can Watch Right Now (Nov. 2020)
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Have you ever read a story or novel where the words jumped off the page? It could have been due to personification. In fact, that first line you just read was an example of personification. Personification is an incredibly useful literary device that is used in sophisticated literature as well as everyday language. So what is personification, and how can it be used?
Continue reading What is Personification — Definition and Examples
Ever since Disney Plus launched, fans of all ages have been able to relive classic films from their childhoods. But since it’s Disney, people can now watch Star Wars and Marvel movies with the click of a button. Disney Plus has films from decades ago, so it may feel a bit overwhelming to decide what you should watch next to become an even more informed Disney fan. But for our money, these are the best Disney Plus movies you can watch tonight.
Continue reading Best Disney Plus Movies You Can Watch Right Now (Jan. 2021)