What is New Hollywood? The Revolution of 1960s and ‘70s Hollywood

What is New Hollywood? There’s a scene in Orson Welles’ The Other Side of the Wind that can answer that for us. It shows a group of young directors going to the home of a Hollywood Golden Age titan to express their admiration. This scene shows what the Hollywood New Wave was really about; an unwavering appreciation for Film that inspired these filmmakers to take it in a new direction. Essentially, New Hollywood was American cinema reborn by the Film School Generation.

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30 Best Woody Allen Movies Ranked for Filmmakers

Woody Allen is a writer and director who bares his emotions and neuroses on screen. It’s for this very reason that so many of his films feel so personal.


Yet, as an audience, it feels harder than ever to make sense of the complicated nature that is Allen’s catalog of work, especially in light of allegations of sexual assault that have been made against him.


But still, it’s undeniable that Allen is not only one of the most prolific filmmakers in the history of cinema, but also one of the best.


In this article, we’re going to judge Allen’s work by four movie criteria: legacy, acting, filmmaking, and story.… Keep reading

The Godfather: Analysis of a Scene — Director’s Playbook

The Godfather is rightfully one of the greatest films ever made. Everything works magnificently together. But one of the most overlooked aspects of the film is how well the blocking and staging are. Today for our film analysis of The Godfather, we’re examining a pivotal scene in the character development of Michael Corleone. In particular, we’re focusing on how the actors’ movements and camera direction help tell the story. Be wary of oranges, and let’s dive in!

Continue reading The Godfather: Analysis of a Scene — Director’s Playbook