The Best Heist Movies of All Time, Ranked for Filmmakers

The heist film has evolved over the decades, taking on many forms and styles. From sleek and chic to rough and gritty, filmmakers have taken the heist movie in every direction. The best of which have perfected the criminal ensemble, the intricate heist executions, or have taken the heist narrative into completely unique and innovative directions. What directions might that be? We’ve compiled a list of the best heist films of all time to find out.

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What are the Major Film Studios — Hollywood’s Big Five

Hollywood – a single word that instantly conjures up images of glitz, glamour, and the silver screen. It’s the birthplace of countless cinematic masterpieces and home to some of the most influential entities in the global film industry – the ‘Big Five.’ But what exactly are these major film studios? Let’s dive in and uncover the magic behind the big screen. 

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What is a Body Double in Film — Definition and Examples

There are many components that occur behind the scenes of a film that audiences don’t even realize occurs. Sometimes it’s lighting just off frame creating the glow of a fire. Sometimes it’s a giant water rig to create rain. And more often than not, audience’s have no idea that the actor doing that crazy stunt is not the actor at all, but rather a body double. 


While most of us are aware of the job of a stunt double, there is only one kind of body double that could be on set. Why else would a body double be used?… Keep reading

Best Movie Shootouts of All Time — Locked, Loaded & Ranked

Ever since The Great Train Robbery introduced filmgoers to the joys of a glorious gunfight in 1903, shootouts have become a staple of cinematic spectacles. Throughout movie history, filmmakers have tried to one-up each other by creating the most titillating exchange of gunfire possible. Over a century since its inception, the shootout continues to be a favorite attraction of audiences. They can be gory and horrific or stylized and fun; they can be slow and quiet or chaotic and bombastic. Let’s look at some of the best to ever grace the silver screen.

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What is the Most Expensive Movie Ever Made — Top 25 Ranked

The bigger the budget, the more that’s at stake. While many directors never have to worry about films costing over a few million (if that), there are some who regularly operate in the area of $200 million. It begs the question: what is the most expensive movie ever made? We’ve adjusted the budgets of various movies over the years for inflation to give you this list of the biggest budget movies, all leading up to the most expensive movie ever made. 

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Training Day Script PDF Download: Quotes, Plot, and Characters

Screenplays By GenreOpen menu Comedy Sci-Fi Drama Crime TV Scripts Horror ResourcesOpen menu FREE Scripts: StudioBinder Screenwriting Library Best Screenplays to Read Shane Black Movies & Screenwriting Explained Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay Best Horror Movie Scripts to Download Write Your Script for Free →

Originality. Yes, there’s structure, pacing, character, a million things to worry about… but beyond everything, a screenplay NEEDS to be original. Originality can come in many forms. You can have an original idea, original structure, original dialogue, or in the case of the Training Day script… one of the most original characters we’ve ever seen.… Keep reading

What is the Male Gaze? Definition and Examples in Film

Whenever you hear someone talking about the male gaze, you may be asking yourself, “What is the male gaze?” Well, in this post we’re going to tell you. We’re going to explain what we mean by the term “the male gaze” and we’ll show you some examples from recent films. We’ll also give you some suggestions for how you can subvert the male gaze and create a more balanced visual narrative.

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Highest-Grossing Movies of All Time: What Makes a Blockbuster?

When audiences saw James Cameron’s Titanic for the first time in 1997, they were awed by a scale of filmmaking that the world had rarely, if at all, seen before. More recently, blockbuster movies are almost expected to match this type of scale — some have exceeded it. So, what are the highest-grossing movies of all time? Although this list does not adjust for inflation, it is apparent that franchise movies have reached an all-time peak (one-third of this list comes from the MCU). That being said, we will be updating the list every time there is a position change which will only be a matter of time.… Keep reading

How to Write a Car Chase Scene in a Screenplay [with Examples]



here’s something about a car chase that captivates an audience.  Maybe it’s the need for speed, or, perhaps it’s the knowledge that at any moment the scene can come to an abrupt end that gets the heart racing. But is it easy to pull off?


Nowadays, sophisticated audiences require more from their action scenes.  Car chases are a staple of the silver screen and it takes a true craftsman to pen a great chase. So how does a writer craft a car chase scene that is both readable and cinematic?  Let’s first take a look at the evolution of these chases, and why incorporating certain elements are so crucial to standing out.… Keep reading