What is Found Footage Filmmaking — Genre & Style Explained

Best Horror MoviesOpen menu Best Horror Movies of All Time Best Zombie Movies Best Vampire Movies Best Jump Scare Movies Best Stephen King Movies and TV Shows Best Underrated Horror Movies EssentialsOpen menu What is Horror Body Horror Explained Giallo Films Explained Horror Movie Tropes Found Footage Filmmaking What is a Grindhouse Movie Horror WritingOpen… Continue reading What is Found Footage Filmmaking — Genre & Style Explained

What is Social Commentary — Definition, Examples & Meaning

What is social commentary? You may have heard the term thrown around in video essays or seen it pop up in book, music, or film analysis without knowing precisely what it means. In this post, we will define social commentary, examine the different ways it can manifest in cinema, and take a look at a… Continue reading What is Social Commentary — Definition, Examples & Meaning

What is Sound Design for Film? Definition and Examples

EssentialsOpen menu What is Sound Design Sound Editing vs Sound Mixing What is Voice Over What is Diegetic Sound  What is Non-Diegetic Sound What is a Film Score TechniquesOpen menu Ultimate Guide to Sound Recording Filmmaker’s Guide to Sound Effect Techniques What is a Sound Bridge What is The Shepard Tone How to Design a… Continue reading What is Sound Design for Film? Definition and Examples