In the world of cinema, there’s an intriguing space where creativity meets passion, free from the constraints of big-budget studios. This is the realm of independent, or ‘indie’, films. The term ‘indie’ has become synonymous with uniqueness, originality, and autonomy in filmmaking. In this article, we will delve into the world of indie films, exploring their… Continue reading What is an Indie Film — Definition & History Explained
In the world of cinema, no budget filmmaking has carved out a unique niche, offering a platform for innovative storytelling outside the constraints of traditional film production. In this article, we’ll look into the history and evolution of no budget filming as well as some of the most influential no budget films.Continue reading No Budget… Continue reading No Budget Films — How to Make a Movie for (Almost) Free
Screenplay Structure 101Open menu Three Act Structure Freytag’s Pyramid Story Mountain Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey Save the Cat Dan Harmon’s Story Circle 5 Stages of A StoryOpen menu Exposition Inciting Incident Rising Action Climax Falling Action Denouement Write Your Script For Free → Aristotle’s Poetics is a foundational work of dramatic theory that outlines the… Continue reading What is Aristotle’s Poetics — Six Elements of Great Storytelling
90s movies may forever be my favorite movies. For whatever reason, whether comedy, drama, or horror, I feel this overwhelming sense of peace when one of my favorite 90s films is on. Is it just nostalgia or do they actually hold up? I suppose that’s always debatable. But there is a thin line between what… Continue reading Best 90s Movies of All Time — An Awesome 90s Movies List
Starting in the early 2000s, mumblecore helped keep independent filmmaking afloat amongst a growing slate of big-budget blockbusters. But what is mumblecore? How did it begin, and what’s the state of it now? Anyone who is a fan of the Duplass Brothers will want to keep reading because we’re diving into the history and influence… Continue reading What is Mumblecore? An American DIY Film Movement