What is a Monologue — Definition, Examples & Types Explained

Some of the most iconic lines in the history of literature and cinema have come from monologues. As a character spills their thoughts and emotions into a speech, they often create memorable lines that connect to characters and the audience. In this article, we’ll take a look at some iconic monologues and analyze what exactly a monologue is. We’ll also take a look at the three types of monologues with examples of each. Let’s dive in.

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Satire Examples in Literature and Movies Explained

Satire is one of the most useful tools writers can use to comment on the follies of humanity and the evils that exist in the world. We’re going to look at some satire examples in literature and movies to gain a better understanding of the term. By seeing how satire is used in a variety of mediums, we’ll be better prepared to apply it in our own projects. But first, let’s start by jumping through a portal to the past to see where satire began.

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What is Slapstick Comedy — Movie Genres Explained

What is slapstick comedy? Is it the same thing as physical comedy? And where does the name come from? We will be answering all of these questions, plus taking a trip through the history and evolution of slapstick, and looking at a number of great slapstick comedy examples from classic and modern movies. First, let’s get started with a slapstick definition.

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55 Best Movie Directors of All Time and Their Greatest Films

The best movie directors of all time — the idea of such a list sparks immediate debate. Rather than try to impose any sort of definitive or objective best directors list, consider this more of a celebration of the entire medium. Woefully underrepresented on this list are women. While women have been an integral part of the film industry since the beginning, the opportunity to direct was rarely given to them. That means that any list that covers the entirety of film history will be unfortunately one-sided. Thankfully, women have been making great strides in reversing this over the years and we’ve seen some truly masterful and inspiring work from the best female directors working today.… Keep reading

Best Public Domain Movies Online You Can Watch Right Now

EssentialOpen menu What is Creative Commons What is Fair Use What is Public Domain ResourcesOpen menu Creative Commons License Pros and Cons How Copyright Free Music Works How to Copyright a Script How to Find Award-Worthy Script Ideas from The Public Domain Best Public Domain Movies

There are many great films that are part of the public domain. This also means that in many cases you, yes you, can use these films for your own purposes. With many works in the public domain, you are free to edit, remake, or even use the characters in your own stories. Be sure to research the specific film beforehand if you plan to do this though, as it is possible for a film to be in the public domain while the screenplay remains copyrighted; there are a number of nuances to take into account.… Keep reading

What is a Director’s Cut? Every Type of Director’s Cut Explained

If you grew up in the home video era, you may have found yourself asking, “What is a Director’s Cut?” When DVD emerged, some movies would claim to be a “Director’s Cut,” which could imply many things to the potential consumer. It might seem straightforward, but there’s a lot more to Director’s Cuts than just a longer version of a movie. So, what is a Director’s Cut and why are there so many of them? We’re going to go over the definition, its history through theatrical and home video releases, famous examples of Director’s Cuts and the different types that exist.… Keep reading

Blacklist Definition and Meaning — The Hollywood Blacklist Explained

Imagine one day you’re writing movies or acting in a major studio’s film, and the next, you can’t find work anywhere. Such is the way of blacklisting. The practice, in one form or another, is still active today but not nearly as rampant as it once was. For an accurate Hollywood Blacklist definition, we need to go back to the ’40s & ’50s in Hollywood. But what does blacklisted mean and how much of an issue is it today? Let’s dive into the concept that upended the careers of Charlie Chaplin, Dalton Trumbo, and many others.

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How to Make a Movie Poster [Free Movie Poster Credits Template]

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30 Best World War 2 Films of All Time – Top WW2 Movies List

World War 2 movies have served as some of the best films ever to be made and for good reason. The politics and battles portrayed in WWII movies arguably shaped the world today more than any other event throughout modern history.


In this post, we’re going to give you a ranked list of the best World War II movies of all time along with a list of honorable mentions with films set during WWII that portrayed drama away from the battlefield.

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