If you’ve ever seen a trailer to a sequel of one your favorite movies, you know what it’s like to be emotionally conflicted. On one hand, you would love to see the characters of a film you love back on the big screen. But on the other hand you really hope they don’t mess it up. Unfortunately, the latter happens all too often. What is a sequel to you — a promise of greatness or the threat of failure?
In a time when Hollywood is cranking out more franchises, remakes, and reboots than ever before, it’s important to understand the differences between the three.… Keep reading
There seem to be three primary ways people learn screenwriting these days: film school, screenwriting books or the Scriptnotes podcast with John August and Craig Mazin. In most cases, probably a combination of all three. Film school has an obvious downside, it costs about $100,000. Ask any screenwriter about screenwriting books and you’ve clearly hit a touchy subject, and don’t even mention the gurus. Yet, it’s hard to find anything negative about the weekly Scriptnotes podcast, which means it’s hard to find anything negative to say about John August. So, who is John August and why is he such a valuable resource for aspiring screenwriters?… Keep reading
Tim Burton is a curious talent. From the start of any of his movies, you instantly have the thought, “Oh yeah, this is a Tim Burton movie.” He has a unique aesthetic, showcasing the beauty in the morbid. His career has been a rollercoaster of quality. From classics to clunkers, Burton’s unique filmmaking style has occasionally run its course. But love or hate his films, there’s bound to be one that fills you with cheer for being an outcast. Here are the best Tim Burton movies, ranked from worst to best.
NOTE: This list will only include all movies directed by Tim Burton, and The Nightmare Before Christmas is not one of them.… Keep reading