To find an easy-to-use professional-level camera isn’t too difficult in today’s market. There might be lots to pick from but at least you have options. But if you’re on the beginner/enthusiast side, even getting closer to professional-level, and on a budget, it’s not always easy. Finding that sweet spot between inexpensive and well, good enough,… Continue reading Best Cheap 4K Camera — 5 Great Options Under $1,000
Most people taking photos do not need a legitimate camera for what they do. For those who do use actual cameras, something akin to a 35mm camera is more than good enough. But what about when you need to take the highest resolution pictures possible? That’s where large format cameras come in. But what is… Continue reading What is Large Format Photography — Cameras and Lenses
Have you ever shot an immaculate sunset with your camera and thought “This doesn’t do it justice.” Why can’t some photos capture the beauty and awe of a gorgeous sunset? The truth is that they can. Through preparation, technique, and creativity you can capture sunset landscape photographs that actually do the sunset justice. In this… Continue reading Sunset Photos — How to Master the Sunset Landscape
Portraiture is older than photography itself. Capturing the essence of a human being was originally achieved through the medium of paint and sculpture. But now, some of the most historical figures of modern day are captured through portrait photography. Whether you are taking portraits of a new client, a friend, or an icon, there are a… Continue reading Portrait Photography Tips & Techniques For Every Photographer
What is Capture One? The software has emerged as one of the premiere resources for editing RAW image files – but what are the benefits of Capture One and how is the software used? We’re going to answer those questions by breaking down some of the strengths and weaknesses of Capture 1. We’ll also look… Continue reading What is Capture One? Photography Editing Software Review
Camera Lenses Explained: Vol. 1 (FREE Ebook)A comprehensive and accessible guide for photographers and cinematographers looking to master camera lenses. Download Now The Different Camera LensesUnderstanding the types of camera lenses is your first step towards the perfect imageCamera lenses have a massive impact on the overall presentation of the image. From the lighting, composition… Continue reading Camera Lenses Explained – Decoding the Types of Camera Lenses (Free Ebook)
Before you yell, “Action,” you need to make sure the subject in your frame is in the sharpest, cleanest focus possible. This is known as critical focus, and it makes all the difference in having a professional-looking video and an amateur one. You need the right tools on-set to properly calibrate your camera. Right now,… Continue reading What Is a Focus Chart, How They Work, and Where To Get One