Whip pans, swish pans, whip shot — whatever you call them, they are a great tool for creating seamless cuts and cool effects in your videos, but understanding how to build an effective whip pan is equally important. Continue reading What is a Whip Pan or Swish Pan: How to Shoot Whip Pan Transitions
If you’re a beginner enthusiast videographer, or professional dabbling into new territory, 360 video might be a great new adventure. Capturing immersive 360 degree footage isn’t complicated, but there are a few things to consider. Let’s answer what is 360 video, where does virtual reality come in, and how can you start shooting yours? Let’s… Continue reading What is 360 Video? How to Create An Immersive Experience
B-Roll BasicsBest B-Roll WebsitesHow To Shoot B-Roll We’ve all seen B-roll in our favorite content, but how does a filmmaker shoot cinematic B-roll footage without a big budget? Our video below will take you through these considerations step-by-step so that you can learn how to shoot B-roll efficiently while also elevating your music video, commercials,… Continue reading How to Shoot B-Roll Footage on the Cheap
Ep1: Film ToneEp2: Prod DesignEp3: Film BlockingEp4: Camera Movement VIEW ALL EPISODES → EPISODE 3Filmmaking techniques: Blocking for directorsHow directors and cinematographers work together to block actors in a scene. ← WATCH PREVIOUS EPISODE WATCH NEXT EPISODE → FILMMAKING TECHNIQUES: EPISODE 3How directors block actors:In our third episode on Filmmaking Techniques in visual storytelling, we look at… Continue reading Film Blocking: Filmmaking Techniques for Visual Storytelling
Ep1: Film ToneEp2: Prod DesignEp3: Film BlockingEp4: Camera Movement VIEW ALL EPISODES → EPISODE 4Filmmaking techniques: Directing the cameraHow directors and cinematographers work together to ensure camera movement is additive to the story. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel ← WATCH PREVIOUS EPISODE WATCH NEXT EPISODE → FILMMAKING TECHNIQUES: EPISODE 4How and when to move the camera:In our… Continue reading Camera Movement: Filmmaking Techniques for Visual Storytelling
If you’re a filmmaker of any kind, you need to know the rules of cinema and video production. Understanding these rules give you control over your images. One of the most important rules to know is the 180 degree rule.Continue reading What is the 180 Degree Rule in Film? Crossing the Line with Purpose