What is a Parfocal Lens — The Advantage of Parfocal Lenses

If you ever looked into buying a cinema lens, you might recall your jaw dropping from the price tag. While there are various elements of a cinema lens that differ from photography lenses, there is one spec that should not be undervalued. All cinema lenses are parfocal lenses. What is a parfocal lens? Why are… Continue reading What is a Parfocal Lens — The Advantage of Parfocal Lenses

11 Event Photography Tips and Tricks for All Photographers

If you are starting a career in photography, you will inevitably be paid to shoot some type of event. Events can differ vastly ranging from weddings to corporate events to concerts. However, we’ve created a list of a few fundamental tips that will help you capture better photos no matter what event you are shooting.… Continue reading 11 Event Photography Tips and Tricks for All Photographers

Aesthetic Photography — Composition, Lighting, and Color

Have you ever been in a photo gallery and immediately drawn to a specific photograph? If so, what was it about this photograph that grabbed your attention? This is the question at the heart of aesthetic photography. What defines an aesthetic photograph? In this article, we’ll take a look at the highly ambiguous and often vague… Continue reading Aesthetic Photography — Composition, Lighting, and Color

Sports Photography Tips — Cameras, Lenses, Settings & More

So you want to be a sports photographer. Awesome! Sports photography is how we capture sports – but it’s also something more than that. Sports photography is an artistic medium for artists to express how they see the world of sports. We’re going to break down step-by-step how to shoot sports images, with camera tips… Continue reading Sports Photography Tips — Cameras, Lenses, Settings & More

Sunset Photos — How to Master the Sunset Landscape

Have you ever shot an immaculate sunset with your camera and thought “This doesn’t do it justice.” Why can’t some photos capture the beauty and awe of a gorgeous sunset? The truth is that they can. Through preparation, technique, and creativity you can capture sunset landscape photographs that actually do the sunset justice. In this… Continue reading Sunset Photos — How to Master the Sunset Landscape

What is the Best Lens for Portraits? — A Photographer’s Guide

What is the best lens for portraits? This is a question that nearly every photographer asks and yet there is no definitive answer – suffice it to say that different camera lenses create different looking photographs. However, some lenses are better suited for portraits than others. We’re going to analyze some different focal length lenses… Continue reading What is the Best Lens for Portraits? — A Photographer’s Guide