What is a Deal with the Devil — Faustian Plots Explained

Plot TropesOpen menu What is a Trope What is a Cliche Flashback MacGuffin Plot Twist Red Herring FREE Movie Scripts: StudioBinder Screenwriting Library Write Your Script for Free The ‘Deal with the Devil’, also known as a Faustian bargain, is a captivating trope that has permeated storytelling across cultures and ages. Rooted in the narrative of… Continue reading What is a Deal with the Devil — Faustian Plots Explained

What is an Origin Story — How Characters Truly Begin

An origin story serves as the backbone of any iconic character, offering a glimpse into their past, their motivations, and the circumstances that forged their identity. As we delve into the roots of celebrated characters, we not only understand their journey but also appreciate the complexities that make them uniquely compelling. Continue reading What is an… Continue reading What is an Origin Story — How Characters Truly Begin

What is an Alter Ego — The Duality of a Character

An alter ego, often seen as a second self or a parallel identity, reflects the dual nature of the human character, encompassing aspects that may be suppressed or unexplored in a person’s primary persona. A fascinating concept, it not only permeates realms of psychology and personal development but also significantly shapes literary narratives and pop… Continue reading What is an Alter Ego — The Duality of a Character

Best Free Drama Movie Scripts Online (with PDF Downloads)

Screenplays By GenreOpen menu Comedy Sci-Fi Drama Crime TV Scripts Horror ResourcesOpen menu FREE Scripts: StudioBinder Screenwriting Library Best Screenplays to Read Shane Black Movies & Screenwriting Explained Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay Best Horror Movie Scripts to Download Write Your Script for Free → I Welcome to StudioBinder’s… Continue reading Best Free Drama Movie Scripts Online (with PDF Downloads)

What is a Spin-Off in Film & TV — Definition & Examples

A spin-off in film and television is a fascinating concept and prevalent practice that merits understanding. As audiences, we often become so engrossed in the characters and their narratives that we yearn for more, even when the original story has concluded. This is where spin-offs come in, further satiating our curiosity and desire for extended narratives.… Continue reading What is a Spin-Off in Film & TV — Definition & Examples

What Are the Types of Characters in a Story

Types of CharactersOpen menu Protagonist Antagonist Hero Anti Hero Tragic Hero Foil Character Character TropesOpen menu Common Character Types Types of Villains Femme Fatale Mad Scientist Mary Sue Damsel in Distress Write Your Free Script → What are the types of characters in a story? Some of us have heard terms like protagonist and antagonist… Continue reading What Are the Types of Characters in a Story

Breaking Bad Pilot Script PDF Download — Script Analysis

Screenplays By GenreOpen menu Comedy Sci-Fi Drama Crime TV Scripts Horror ResourcesOpen menu FREE Scripts: StudioBinder Screenwriting Library Best Screenplays to Read Shane Black Movies & Screenwriting Explained Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay Best Horror Movie Scripts to Download Write Your Script for Free → When it comes… Continue reading Breaking Bad Pilot Script PDF Download — Script Analysis

What is a Dynamic Character — Definition, Examples and Traits

Types of CharactersOpen menu Protagonist Antagonist Hero Anti Hero Tragic Hero Foil Character Character TropesOpen menu Common Character Types Types of Villains Femme Fatale Mad Scientist Mary Sue Damsel in Distress Write Your Free Script → What is a dynamic character? An essential player in storytelling, a dynamic character might learn a lesson, go from… Continue reading What is a Dynamic Character — Definition, Examples and Traits

What is a Showrunner — What it Means to Literally Run the Show

Television shows have a lot of moving parts — almost every show employs numerous writers and directors. So, how do you make sure everything functions as it should while guaranteeing the overall creative vision of the series? This is the job of a showrunner — a position more like the conductor of an orchestra. We’ll… Continue reading What is a Showrunner — What it Means to Literally Run the Show

What is a Round Character — Definition, Examples for Writers

Types of CharactersOpen menu Protagonist Antagonist Hero Anti Hero Tragic Hero Foil Character Character TropesOpen menu Common Character Types Types of Villains Femme Fatale Mad Scientist Mary Sue Damsel in Distress Write Your Free Script → Can you tell a good story without a round character? What does it mean to be a round character?… Continue reading What is a Round Character — Definition, Examples for Writers