Ultimate Guide to Movie Genres — 90+ Genre Examples for Film & TV

You’re looking for a movie genre list, maybe for inspiration, but every list you find has too broad or hyper-specific categories that it becomes overwhelming. We’ve created the perfect movie and TV genre list that will explain the various categories of film and television with their specific subgenres, and we’ll also include helpful examples for each along the way.

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The Best Comedy Movies of All Time

The difference between a funny movie and a truly great comedy is subjective. So, when it comes to writing a successful comedy, many writers want to appeal to the lowest common denominator. While many screenwriters want to please all, humor isn’t universal.

What makes a baby cackle in Albuquerque won’t cut the mustard in Ouagadougou! Today, let’s explore three ways writers and filmmakers use situation, dialogue, and performance to enhance the ordinary and upend the familiar for gut-busting belly laughs. So, writers and filmmakers: Dig into our list of the best comedy movies of all time.  

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The Best Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now (January 2021)

Amazon Prime Video is chock-full of great movies but it’s a nightmare trying to find them. Unlike Netflix which offers strong curated playlists, Prime Video does a poor job of highlighting all the amazing movies on its service. Don’t fret though, we’ve scoured the depths of Prime’s film catalogue to deliver our list of the best movies on Amazon Prime right now.


We’ll be updating this list every month as movies come and go on Prime, so be sure to check back for new, great additions!

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The Best Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now (December 2020)

Amazon Prime Video is chock-full of great movies but it’s a nightmare trying to find them. Unlike Netflix which offers strong curated playlists, Prime Video does a poor job of highlighting all the amazing movies on its service. Don’t fret though, we’ve scoured the depths of Prime’s film catalogue to deliver our list of the best movies on Amazon Prime right now.


We’ll be updating this list every month as movies come and go on Prime, so be sure to check back for new, great additions!

Continue reading The Best Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now (December 2020)

What is a Mockumentary — Definition, Examples & History

Oh, mockumentaries how I love thee. Mockumentaries – or simply mock documentaries – have entertained and inspired the world for decades. But what is a mockumentary? We’re going to break down the history of this subgenre, including the first mockumentary, by looking at iconic examples from Woody Allen, Christopher Guest, and more. By the end, you’ll know why these hilarious films are important along with some of the best mockumentary movies of all-time.

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Best Movies of the 2000s — The Entire Decade Ranked

The 2000s were a weird time for cinema — kind of sandwiched in between the indie 90’s scene and the blockbuster 2010’s scene. But there are so many great movies that came out between 2000 and 2009, that we thought it would be interesting to look back at what made them so great. So without further ado, this is our list of the best movies of the 2000s.

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