Chekhov’s Gun — How To Setup and Payoff in Screenwriting

What is Chekhov’s gun? What are setups and payoffs? The concepts are interconnected, and all three should be included in any and all screenwriting endeavors. We will provide working definitions, take a look at illustrative examples used in great films, and discuss how to best incorporate the practice into your own writing. Before we jump into the benefits of setups and payoffs, let’s start by defining Chekhov’s gun.

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Best John Carpenter Movies — The Master of the Macabre

The John Carpenter filmography is widespread and diverse. Although many of his peers may have matched or exceeded his output, few directors evoke as specific an aesthetic by name alone. Anyone who’s seen a few John Carpenter films would recognize his affinity for practically created monsters, rich concepts, and sick synth-rock inspired soundtracks composed by the director himself. His stories explore the dark side of the unknown, the hubris of man’s institutions, and the middle ground where science and the spiritual world meet. Not all Carpenter movies are created equal, however; in this article, we’re going to share our comprehensive list ranking all of the Carpenter movies from worst to best. … Keep reading