15 Movies That Break the Fourth Wall (Besides Deadpool)

For the most part, filmmakers strive to make audiences forget that they are in fact an audience watching a film. They work to make the film completely immersive. But sometimes filmmakers intentionally draw attention to the medium being used by breaking the fourth wall. While not all stories benefit from such interruptions, here are the top 15 movies that break the fourth wall and became iconic examples in the process.

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All James Bond Movies Ranked — The Best & Worst 007 Movies

James Bond movies make up one of the most successful and influential franchises in world cinema. A  monument of popular culture in their own right, 007 movies have also inspired countless other flicks — not just spy movies, but also Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Asian action cinema. But which entries in the James Bond film series are the best? Which of them remain worth your time as the decades wear on?


Of course each generation has their own relationship with Bond and the leading actors who played him. Many believe there will only ever be one true 007 — the bush-browed Scottsman who started it all.… Keep reading

Best Pixar Movies Ranked — From ‘Toy Story’ and Beyond (with WALL-E Video Essay)

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Best Korean Movies of All-Time — ‘Parasite’ and Beyond

The South Korean film industry has been busy pumping out many of the best movies made over the last couple of decades. With Parasite’s best picture win shining a fresh spotlight on the SK film scene, we thought it would be helpful to offer a guide for newcomers to the best of South Korea’s cinematic output. Join us in counting down the 20 best Korean movies of all time.

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Best Kids Movies of All Time — Classics Every Kid Should See

There are a lot of great kids movies to watch, whether you’re looking for something to show your children, niece/nephews, classroom, etc. – or you’re just looking to reconnect with your childhood. We’re going to rank the best kids movies of all time based on three criteria: visuals, creativity, and moral/insightful message. 


Note: we tried to make the picks on this list as varied as possible by picking from different eras, genres and styles of film. With that note out of the way, let’s jump into our list of the best kids movies of all time!

Continue reading Best Kids Movies of All Time — Classics Every Kid Should See

Best End of the World Movies — 15 Visions of the End Times

Filmmakers have attempted to portray the end of the world through film since early cinema. Throughout the years, these attempts have proven to be futile for many. The list of forgettable apocalypse movies could fill a novel. But a few filmmakers have portrayed the end of the world in wildly entertaining and unique ways. So which movie do you put on for movie night when you’re in a rather apocalyptic mood? Here is our complete list of the best end of the world movies.

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Best John Carpenter Movies — The Master of the Macabre

The John Carpenter filmography is widespread and diverse. Although many of his peers may have matched or exceeded his output, few directors evoke as specific an aesthetic by name alone. Anyone who’s seen a few John Carpenter films would recognize his affinity for practically created monsters, rich concepts, and sick synth-rock inspired soundtracks composed by the director himself. His stories explore the dark side of the unknown, the hubris of man’s institutions, and the middle ground where science and the spiritual world meet. Not all Carpenter movies are created equal, however; in this article, we’re going to share our comprehensive list ranking all of the Carpenter movies from worst to best. … Keep reading

Best 90s Movies of All Time — An Awesome 90s Movies List

90s movies may forever be my favorite movies. For whatever reason, whether comedy, drama, or horror, I feel this overwhelming sense of peace when one of my favorite 90s films is on. Is it just nostalgia or do they actually hold up? I suppose that’s always debatable. But there is a thin line between what is considered one of the “best” movies, and those movies that become so iconic, they define a decade. Some fans praise films for the technical and creative masterpieces that they are, while others love the movies they love because they have impacted them in some personal way.… Keep reading

The Best 2020 Movies — Bright Lights in a Dark Year

2020 was a very strange year for movies. Most theaters in the United States have been closed since March in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, forcing studios to push most of its offerings into 2021 at the earliest. While it may seem like a bare year for cinephiles, there was still plenty to enjoy. If the pandemic had never happened, then this list of the best 2020 movies would likely look very different.


Streaming services picked up the slack with Oscar contenders flocking to the likes of Netflix and Amazon Prime. Studios experimented with releasing more tentpole features on their respective streaming platforms to varying degrees of success.… Keep reading

Best Spaghetti Western Movies of All-Time (Ranked)

The Spaghetti Western is one of the most iconic movie subgenres of all-time. Spaghetti Westerns originated in Italy during the 1960s under the tutelage of the great Sergio Leone – who garnered international acclaim for his “Dollars Trilogy” starring Clint Eastwood. Between 1964 and 1978, Italy produced dozens of Spaghetti Westerns, most of which were shot at the country’s famed production studio Cinecittà. The Spaghetti Western has become a symbol for international illusions of the American west, sweeping vista shots, and climatic shootouts – needless to say, Spaghetti Westerns have had an enormous impact on cinema and world culture. So without further ado, let’s answer the question: what is the best Spaghetti Western of all time?… Keep reading