Best Netflix Original Movies of 2019, Ranked for Filmmakers

With every year that passes, Netflix has continued to evolve and grow as a contender against major studios. 2019 proved to be no different. From gangster epics to quirky Rom-Coms to stylish period pieces, Netflix has proven its eclectic taste as a powerhouse production studio. With big contenders competing for the most prestigious awards, 2019 Netflix movies have dominated. Among the record-breaking number of Netflix movies produced in 2019 (over 70), we managed to create a list of the 10 best 2019 Netflix movies. 

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10 Best Movies on Netflix — A Playlist for Filmmakers (Dec. 2019)

Whether you have one day or several weeks off this month, December is always a great time to kick back and watch some movies. Fortunately for you, Netflix has more than just hour-long dramedies for you to binge. If you haven’t watched the following movies, now is an excellent time to do so. After all, you never know if Netflix will be making a New Year’s Resolution to purge some of its movie catalog. These are the best movies on Netflix for December 2019.

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10 Best Shakespeare Movies: Film Adaptations Based on his Plays

You love William Shakespeare, right? Regardless, you’re looking for the best movie adaptation of William Shakespeare plays, but there are so many and you’re not sure which are the best to watch. We’ve put together a list of the 10 best William Shakespeare movie adaptations so you can not only learn more but also appreciate how great filmmakers have turned his plays into cinematic achievements.

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30 Best World War 2 Films of All Time – Top WW2 Movies List

World War 2 movies have served as some of the best films ever to be made and for good reason. The politics and battles portrayed in WWII movies arguably shaped the world today more than any other event throughout modern history.


In this post, we’re going to give you a ranked list of the best World War II movies of all time along with a list of honorable mentions with films set during WWII that portrayed drama away from the battlefield.

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The Contender: A Marlon Brando Best Movies List

Not many actors in the history of Hollywood have enjoyed the heights of success that Marlon Brando has. From working with Tennessee Williams on the stage, to location shoots in Manilla with Francis Ford Coppola, Brando had seen the world of storytelling unlike many others. We’re going to look back at the best movies of Marlon Brando’s career, and how his performances still influence cinema today.

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15 Best Film Noir Movies of All Time, Ranked for Filmmakers

The golden age of cinema is surprisingly dark. From 1941 to 1959, American audiences were captivated by melodramas about hard-boiled detectives, dangerous dames, and pulpy mysteries with literary origins. It’s a style that would later be known as film noir. Many of the movies in that classic film noir era-inspired cinema for decades to come. In recognition of that, we’ve compiled a list of the best film noir movies of all time — not only from a critical perspective but also by their influence on the genre and beyond.

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The 10 Absolute Best Stop Motion Movies

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30 Best Thanksgiving Movies — What to Watch on Turkey Day

Every family has their own Thanksgiving traditions. Some play football in the backyard after filling up on turkey while others go straight from the dinner table to those Black Friday deals. But if you’re like us, you like to let the tryptophan settle in while you’re cuddled up watching one of the best Thanksgiving movies of all time. Much like when it comes to songs, Thanksgiving kind of gets the short end of the stick when it comes to themed movies. However, that doesn’t mean you won’t be able to find a film that puts you in the Thanksgiving spirit. You’ll be grateful once you read through this list of Thanksgiving Day movies, in no particular order, for when you’ve run out of things to talk about with your family.… Keep reading

The Superstar — 15 Top Leonardo DiCaprio Movies

It’s hard to believe that Leonardo DiCaprio’s first Oscar win came in 2016. DiCaprio is one of the most famed and sought after film stars in the world today. In this article, we’re going to rank the top Leonardo DiCaprio movies.

The ranking of these movies are in regards to their quality and impact, not DiCaprio’s performance. That being said, every film included has to feature DiCaprio in a substantial role.

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Top 30 Best Neo-Noir Films, Ranked for Filmmakers

What’s black and white and red all over? It could be a newspaper — or it could be a neo-noir film.


It’s hard to tell. Neo-noir is notoriously difficult to classify. An offshoot of the historical film noir genre, it’s painted in such broad strokes that it can subvert, parody, heighten, or reimagine the prototypical stories of its predecessor and still be considered “neo-noir.”


Many of the greats have made their bones in the genre, even if their movies don’t appear the same at surface level.


So — how can you tell? We’ve put together a list of the best neo-noir movies to answer that.… Keep reading