Martin Scorsese Directed Movies: Interviews and Quotes on his Filmmaking Techniques

Martin Scorsese directed movies make up some of the greatest films ever made. While they seem larger than life, they’re made by a thoughtful craftsman who brings an undeniable style to filmmaking. In this post, we will quickly look at the Martin Scorsese filmography, and then layout the directing style, script trends, and editing techniques… Continue reading Martin Scorsese Directed Movies: Interviews and Quotes on his Filmmaking Techniques

Martin Scorsese Film School: Interviews and Quotes on his Techniques

How do you learn from a director like Martin Scorsese? You can watch his films, and you can learn by watching his interviews. We took the best Martin Scorsese quotes from his various interviews. Then we compiled a video with examples from his films, so that way you can perfectly understand the directing tips he… Continue reading Martin Scorsese Film School: Interviews and Quotes on his Techniques

The Directing Style of David Fincher

If you’re familiar with David Fincher movies, you know they focus on serial killers, robbers, brawlers, and murderers alike. You might also know that he has a reputation for being an exacting, obsessively technical director.  However, dark subjects and visual meticulousness belie Fincher’s overlooked secret weapon: his ability to connect with actors on a human level… Continue reading The Directing Style of David Fincher

Best M. Night Shyamalan Movies, Ranked for Filmmakers

Best Shyamalan MoviesShyamalan’s Style ExplainedThe Return of M. Night Shyamalan When you think of the most iconic film directors, you can often discount their first couple of films — few filmmakers are geniuses out of the gate. Other directors start strong but end their careers with a painful series of flops. But almost no other… Continue reading Best M. Night Shyamalan Movies, Ranked for Filmmakers