55 Best Movie Directors of All Time and Their Greatest Films

The best movie directors of all time — the idea of such a list sparks immediate debate. Rather than try to impose any sort of definitive or objective best directors list, consider this more of a celebration of the entire medium. Woefully underrepresented on this list are women. While women have been an integral part of the film industry since the beginning, the opportunity to direct was rarely given to them. That means that any list that covers the entirety of film history will be unfortunately one-sided. Thankfully, women have been making great strides in reversing this over the years and we’ve seen some truly masterful and inspiring work from the best female directors working today.… Keep reading

Elements of Suspense — Building Suspense with Film Technique

Every film needs suspense. At the foundational level, a story poses a question in the beginning and answers it by the end. The suspense is the anticipation for that answer. But what are the elements of suspense films? And how do we go about building suspense with film technique? Film is the perfect medium for creating suspense and we’ll use Gore Verbinski’s 2002 remake of The Ring as our case study.Continue reading Elements of Suspense — Building Suspense with Film Technique

Best Public Domain Movies Online You Can Watch Right Now

EssentialOpen menu What is Creative Commons What is Fair Use What is Public Domain ResourcesOpen menu Creative Commons License Pros and Cons How Copyright Free Music Works How to Copyright a Script How to Find Award-Worthy Script Ideas from The Public Domain Best Public Domain Movies

There are many great films that are part of the public domain. This also means that in many cases you, yes you, can use these films for your own purposes. With many works in the public domain, you are free to edit, remake, or even use the characters in your own stories. Be sure to research the specific film beforehand if you plan to do this though, as it is possible for a film to be in the public domain while the screenplay remains copyrighted; there are a number of nuances to take into account.… Keep reading

How to Use Color in Film like Kubrick: Mise-en-Scène Elements Explained

Color BasicsOpen menu What is Color Temperature Color Grading vs. Color Correction What is LUT What is Technicolor First Color Movie Film Colorization Process Color SchemesOpen menu What is a Color Palette What is a Color Scheme Triadic Color Scheme Monochromatic Color Scheme Analogous Color Scheme Complementary Color Scheme FREE Ebook: How to Use Color in Film

Mise en scene plays a huge role in communicating the tone of a story — but what is mise en scene? In classical terms, mise en scene is the arrangement of scenery and stage properties in a play or film. Today, mise en scene is regarded as all of the elements that go into any single shot of a production.… Keep reading

What is Rotoscope Animation? The Process Explained

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23 Best Movie Scores of All Time — Filmmaker Playlist

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1917 One Shot Explained — How Roger Deakins Shot a “Oner” Film

When it was announced that 1917 would be shot to look like a single take, it quickly became one of the most anticipated movies of the year. While the performances and screenplay were both incredible, many left the theatre wondering the same thing. How was 1917 filmed? While there is no single answer to this question, there are various factors that contributed to the immersive 1917 one shot cinematography. Without further adieu, let’s dive into how they pulled this off.

Continue reading 1917 One Shot Explained — How Roger Deakins Shot a “Oner” Film

Blacklist Definition and Meaning — The Hollywood Blacklist Explained

Imagine one day you’re writing movies or acting in a major studio’s film, and the next, you can’t find work anywhere. Such is the way of blacklisting. The practice, in one form or another, is still active today but not nearly as rampant as it once was. For an accurate Hollywood Blacklist definition, we need to go back to the ’40s & ’50s in Hollywood. But what does blacklisted mean and how much of an issue is it today? Let’s dive into the concept that upended the careers of Charlie Chaplin, Dalton Trumbo, and many others.

Continue reading Blacklist Definition and Meaning — The Hollywood Blacklist Explained

Irony Examples — 3 Forms of Irony in Literature and Film

Irony is everywhere, both in art and in real life. Ironically, this can make it all the harder to spot. As one of the most misunderstood rhetorical devices, irony can remain elusive for even the most skilled artists and hawk-eyed audience members. In this article, we’ll lay out some of the best irony examples and explain what makes them work, and what makes them ironic.

Continue reading Irony Examples — 3 Forms of Irony in Literature and Film

What is Irony — Definition, Examples & Types Explained

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The Best Movies of 2013 — The Year in Review

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2013 was an idiosyncratic year at movie theaters. Yes, you had hopeful tales of love, but many films dealt with the economic downturn still reverberating throughout the country from the Great Recession. You saw more characters struggling to make ends meet, and economic anxiety was still a prevalent theme during this year.… Keep reading