46 Storyboard Examples from Movies, Animation, and Games (with FREE Storyboard Templates)

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The Best Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now (January 2021)

Amazon Prime Video is chock-full of great movies but it’s a nightmare trying to find them. Unlike Netflix which offers strong curated playlists, Prime Video does a poor job of highlighting all the amazing movies on its service. Don’t fret though, we’ve scoured the depths of Prime’s film catalogue to deliver our list of the best movies on Amazon Prime right now.


We’ll be updating this list every month as movies come and go on Prime, so be sure to check back for new, great additions!

Continue reading The Best Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now (January 2021)

The Best Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now (July 2020)

Amazon Prime Video is chock-full of great movies but it’s a nightmare trying to find them. Unlike Netflix which offers strong curated playlists, Prime Video does a poor job of highlighting all the amazing movies on its service. Don’t fret though, we’ve scoured the depths of Prime’s film catalog to deliver our list of the best movies on Amazon Prime right now.


We’ll be updating this list every month as movies come and go on Prime, so be sure to check back for new additions! And, without further ado, in no particular order, the best movies on Amazon Prime!

Continue reading The Best Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now (July 2020)

The Best Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now (June 2020)

Amazon Prime Video is chock-full of great movies but it’s a nightmare trying to find them. Unlike Netflix which offers strong curated playlists, Prime Video does a poor job of highlighting all the amazing movies on its service. Don’t fret though, we’ve scoured the depths of Prime’s film catalog to deliver our list of the best movies on Amazon Prime right now.


We’ll be updating this list every month as movies come and go on Prime, so be sure to check back for new additions! And, without further ado, in no particular order, the best movies on Amazon Prime!

Continue reading The Best Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now (June 2020)

The Best Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now (October 2020)

Amazon Prime Video is chock-full of great movies but it’s a nightmare trying to find them. Unlike Netflix which offers strong curated playlists, Prime Video does a poor job of highlighting all the amazing movies on its service. Don’t fret though, we’ve scoured the depths of Prime’s film catalogue to deliver our list of the best movies on Amazon Prime right now.


We’ll be updating this list every month as movies come and go on Prime, so be sure to check back for new, great additions!

Continue reading The Best Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now (October 2020)

The Best Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now (May 2020)

Amazon Prime Video is chock-full of great movies but it’s a nightmare trying to find them. Unlike Netflix which offers strong curated playlists, Prime Video does a poor job of highlighting all the amazing movies on its service. Don’t fret though, we’ve scoured the depths of Prime’s film catalog to deliver our list of the best movies on Amazon Prime right now.


We’ll be updating this list every month as movies come and go on Prime, so be sure to check back for new additions! And, without further ado, in no particular order, the best movies on Amazon Prime!

Continue reading The Best Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now (May 2020)

The Best Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now (December 2020)

Amazon Prime Video is chock-full of great movies but it’s a nightmare trying to find them. Unlike Netflix which offers strong curated playlists, Prime Video does a poor job of highlighting all the amazing movies on its service. Don’t fret though, we’ve scoured the depths of Prime’s film catalogue to deliver our list of the best movies on Amazon Prime right now.


We’ll be updating this list every month as movies come and go on Prime, so be sure to check back for new, great additions!

Continue reading The Best Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now (December 2020)

The Best Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now (November 2020)

Amazon Prime Video is chock-full of great movies but it’s a nightmare trying to find them. Unlike Netflix which offers strong curated playlists, Prime Video does a poor job of highlighting all the amazing movies on its service. Don’t fret though, we’ve scoured the depths of Prime’s film catalogue to deliver our list of the best movies on Amazon Prime right now.


We’ll be updating this list every month as movies come and go on Prime, so be sure to check back for new, great additions!

Continue reading The Best Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now (November 2020)

The Best Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now (September 2020)

Amazon Prime Video is chock-full of great movies but it’s a nightmare trying to find them. Unlike Netflix which offers strong curated playlists, Prime Video does a poor job of highlighting all the amazing movies on its service. Don’t fret though, we’ve scoured the depths of Prime’s film catalogue to deliver our list of the best movies on Amazon Prime right now.


We’ll be updating this list every month as movies come and go on Prime, so be sure to check back for new, great additions!

Continue reading The Best Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now (September 2020)

The Best Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now (August 2020)

Amazon Prime Video is chock-full of great movies but it’s a nightmare trying to find them. Unlike Netflix which offers strong curated playlists, Prime Video does a poor job of highlighting all the amazing movies on its service. Don’t fret though, we’ve scoured the depths of Prime’s film catalogue to deliver our list of the best movies on Amazon Prime right now.


We’ll be updating this list every month as movies come and go on Prime, so be sure to check back for new, great additions!

Continue reading The Best Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now (August 2020)

How to Write Female Characters — Examples & Tips Explained

Centuries of literature, film, and television written by male writers have often been guilty of employing one-dimensional female character tropes (the “damsel in distress,” the “nagging wife”). But pop culture’s attempts to write more modern female characters often only result in new stereotypes. So, what should we think about when we consider how to write female characters? In this post, we’re going to look at applying the general principles of good character design to female characters — while mapping out tropes to avoid. 

Continue reading How to Write Female Characters — Examples & Tips Explained

Practical Effects in Film — How Filmmakers Do It For Real

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Michael Bay’s Best Movies, Ranked from Worst to Best

Here at StudioBinder, we’ve written extensively about auteurs in the field of film. We’ve discussed artists like Martin Scorsese, Christopher Nolan, and David Fincher at length. And then, there’s Michael Bay.

Love him or hate him, his films have influenced the filmmaking world. His 360 shot and his unique editing strategies have impacted filmmakers young and old alike. For this list, we’re counting down the best Michael Bay films of all time, and yes, there are some pretty good ones. Let’s dive into it.

Continue reading Michael Bay’s Best Movies, Ranked from Worst to Best

Iron Man Script: Quotes, Characters, Ending and Screenplay PDF

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What is an Establishing Shot? Creative Examples that Set the Tone

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