90s movies may forever be my favorite movies. For whatever reason, whether comedy, drama, or horror, I feel this overwhelming sense of peace when one of my favorite 90s films is on. Is it just nostalgia or do they actually hold up? I suppose that’s always debatable. But there is a thin line between what… Continue reading Best 90s Movies of All Time — An Awesome 90s Movies List
With such a wealth of new movies to rent on Amazon Prime, it can be hard to keep track of and parse new movies as they are added to the platform. Here we cover 10 new movies worth your time landing on Amazon Prime in January 2021 with plenty of horror in the mix for… Continue reading Best New Movies on Amazon Prime (January 2021)
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Irony is everywhere, both in art and in real life. Ironically, this can make it all the harder to spot. As one of the most misunderstood rhetorical devices, irony can remain elusive for even the most skilled artists and hawk-eyed audience members. In this article, we’ll lay out some of the best irony examples and… Continue reading Irony Examples — 3 Forms of Irony in Literature and Film