How to Become a Director: Learning from Seasoned Filmmakers

Becoming a film director isn’t a straight path. There are multiple ways of getting there but, ultimately, there’s only one driving force: you. Regardless of your education or current skill set, if you want to make movies, you will. But that’s easier said than done, so let’s go a little deeper to answer how to become a director.

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All-Time Best Jump Scare Movies Ranked (Do Not Watch Alone!)

Horror heads often scoff at jump scares. The technique can feel too easy: slap a loud sound effect on an unexpected thing in the dark and anyone will gasp — it’s glorified peek-a-boo. But a great jump scare is undeniable. Done with taste, originality, and skill, the jump can deliver a scare that will linger with an audience for years. Almost every horror film has a jump scare; it’s in the Constitution. But which horror films use the tool most effectively? These are movies that lean on jump scares, but not as a crutch: they simply work every time. Here are the fifteen best jump scare horror movies of all time.… Keep reading