Screenplays By GenreOpen menu Comedy Sci-Fi Drama Crime TV Scripts Horror ResourcesOpen menu FREE Scripts: StudioBinder Screenwriting Library Best Screenplays to Read Shane Black Movies & Screenwriting Explained Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay Best Horror Movie Scripts to Download Write Your Script for Free → Welcome to StudioBinder’s… Continue reading Best Free Action Movie Scripts Online (with PDF Downloads)
Movies have been known to transport us to different worlds, times, and experiences through the power of storytelling. And one of the most magical ways that movies do this is through the use of monologues. From inspiring speeches that make us want to stand up and take action to heart-wrenching confessions that bring us to… Continue reading Best Movie Monologues — Top 20 Ranked for Writers & Actors
Screenplays By GenreOpen menu Comedy Sci-Fi Drama Crime TV Scripts Horror ResourcesOpen menu FREE Scripts: StudioBinder Screenwriting Library Best Screenplays to Read Shane Black Movies & Screenwriting Explained Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay Best Horror Movie Scripts to Download Write Your Script for Free → Welcome to StudioBinder’s… Continue reading War Movie Scripts Online (with Free PDF Downloads)
Best Tarantino MoviesQT’s Directing StyleQT Directing Tips QT DialogueOnce Upon a Time AnalysisBasterds Breakdown How do you learn filmmaking techniques from a director like Quentin Tarantino? You can watch his films, and learn his filmmaking process with quotes from Quentin Tarantino interviews. We also built a video with directing tips and examples from Quentin Tarantino… Continue reading Quentin Tarantino Interviews, Directing Tips & Quotes on Film
Brad Pitt is one of the most iconic American actors today, simultaneously revered for his good looks and depth as an actor. In this list, we’re going to rank the best Brad Pitt movies. The ranking of these films are in regards to their quality and impact, not Brad Pitt’s performance. But every film on the… Continue reading Best Brad Pitt Movies List — Top Films Ranked
Cinematography Terms Screenwriting Terms Film Terms Perhaps you’ve just heard about a new movie in the works with your favorite director– you immediately make a mental note of excitement, quietly counting down the days until it hits theaters, but then a year almost passes and… there’s no movie to be found. What happened? Where’d the… Continue reading What is Development Hell — Where Projects Go to Die
There are few things that can keep an audience more engaged in a film than suspense. But what is suspense, exactly? That feeling of intense anticipation can be found in various genres and have an audience leaning forward with their eyes glued to the screen. Understanding what suspense is and how it differs from other… Continue reading What is Suspense — The Elements of Suspense Explained
Quentin Tarantino is known for a lot of things: distinct dialogue, explosive violence, pop culture pastiches. But his movies also contain another less-discussed element that is as important as his other signatures: food. In Tarantino movies, food is crucial. It can reveal character traits, propel plots, and expand themes. Some of Tarantino’s most famous scenes… Continue reading Quentin Tarantino Food Scenes — The Complete Menu
What is a Mexican Standoff? And for that matter, how does it differ from a regular standoff? In this post, we’ll be digging into the term, breaking down its origins, clearing up common misconceptions, and taking a look at some of the best examples. We’ll also be answering the question: why is it called a… Continue reading What is a Mexican Standoff — How to Direct a Showdown